chapter 33 battle plans

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Chapter 33 Battle plans

I didn't know what Moss was talking about but I could feel the tension in the room. I was uncertain about a lot of things. I didn't know for certain if it was this forest, it was too much of a coincidence. Yet, it looked identical. I wasn't sure if other wolves were involved, afterall it was the evening that they were attacked. I felt like asking the pack if it were possible for humans and werewolves to have allied together. I didn't feel like I could have much contribution.

"So, what are we going to do?" Tempest asked as she crossed her arms. She leant back into her seat. Her expression was the same as everyone else's in the room. They all showed hurt, angry or saddened expressions. "We cant' just let them come and destroy our home." Her words were like she was spitting fire.

"We will wait until Beaumont gets back." Lathen said with a somewhat stern gaze. "Thank you for letting us know Aiden." I saw him nod at me and I gave a slight nod back. I wasn't expecting to be thanked. I was the visitor, technically still an intruder on their land. I wasn't the most comfortable being there. "Though, it was brave of you to come here. It wasn't the best decision."

I bit my lip slightly and nodded again. I knew this but still it felt as though I was being scolded. I could hear some appreciation and admiration in his tone but I could only focus on the words which told me that I had made a poor decision. "How else was he supposed to contact us?" Randall surprised me by speaking up. "The only chance for us to know something was wrong would be if he panicked so much Ralph could feel it."

I looked at Ralph with confusion as he stared at his brother. "Thank you." Ralph said sarcastically before looking down at me. "Yeah I can do that.You might be able to feel my emotions too, at some point anyway." I opened my mouth to question him but I closed it again. That was a question for another time. "Though we don't really have an abundance of electricity." Ralph reminded Randall.

"The sun is always around somehow" Randall muttered slightly and crossed his arms. I had assumed that they'd used solar power. "It wouldn't hurt to try and sort some stuff out." He continued. I had a small feeling that this was for more then Ralph and I's communication.

"Anyway." Abilene started to say as she picked up Oran. "We'll figure something out so that nobody is put in danger. Everything will be alright." She swayed slightly where she was which caused the young boy to lean back with a smile. Lowell was with Rhodes and playing with her long hair.

There was an atmosphere of anticipation s we all waited for Beaumont to return. Apparently he was due back soon, though he had to make a detour when he brought me back, so it would have taken him longer then normal. Everyone was eager to discuss the future plans for the pack. Everyone wanted to know what this meant.

Beaumont didn't get into the kitchen before he was called into the living room. He poked his head in with confusion before he saw me. He must have forgotten that I was there and he hurriedly came in. "So what'd I miss?" He looked around concerned as he greeted Rhodes and his children.

"We're being attacked." Moss said simply. Beaumont's eyes widened as his head snapped over to Lathen for confirmation of Moss' claims. I was slightly cursing Moss in my head, I had found that he spoke few words but he seemed to be rather blunt, not choosing them the most effectively.

"It's not an attack." Eben tried to calm down the panic within the room. "We think that a human organisation is planning to tear down the forest." The wording was not much better from Eben but it did make me feel a little bit more at ease. The words were still violent and I wasn't a fan of how he called it a human organisation. I let it go, it must be difficult for them to talk about humans with a human in the room.

I shook my head lightly. "There has to be more to it though." The degrees of confusion which shone on the pack's faces different from person to person. "The timing was too good to be a coincidence." Hollis nodded and started to walk over to me.

"Aiden's right."Hollis said simply and gestured to me. It gave me a little bit of confidence. "How come this thing happened whilst we were being attacked by wolves?" He spoke a lot with his hands. "It seems like too much of a coincidence to not be planned."

Expressions darkened as everyone tensed up. "Let's start with one issue at a time." Lathen as he stood up. "We'll figure out what to do with the humans first." He looked around with piercing eyes. It was as though he was challenging someone to argue with him.

"Well..." Ralph started to say slowly. "Humans aren't much of a threat." He didn't seem as confident as he usually seemed to be. I couldn't imagine going against Lathen, it must've been nerve wrecking. The room collectively drew in a breath. Other than the children.

The children had my attention most of the time. I still felt rather protective over them. It was unbelievable that these children were the pups who I had helped years ago. Lathen had a look of fondness in his eyes but he only nodded. "We will discuss actions later."

Everyone nodded and their attention was brought back to what they were doing. The atmosphere had severely changed. There were some silent complaints and looks of anger but nobody dared to speak up. The children were in the room. I assumed that it was an attempt to not make them panic.

I looked up as Ralph approached me. He had a small smile on his face and he sat down close. "Are you alright?" he said softly. It was a rather big change to how he had spoken like in the previous moments. I wasn't quite sure if I was alright but I nodded.

"I'm sorry for putting all this on you." He looked at me strangely as I spoke.He then started to chuckle lightly. I was the one to then look at him curiously. "What?" I was clueless. It only just made him chuckle more. It was a nice sight and sound but it didn't help my thought process.

"Aiden. I would much prefer you come and tell us if you knew something like this then not tell us and we would be suddenly attacked." He put a hand on my shoulder comfortingly as I made a noise of realization. We shared a smile. He asked me silently if I would follow him. I turned back to see the other's actions but they weren't paying any attention. I nodded and we walked into the kitchen.

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