Chapter 41 Friends and Foes

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Chapter 41 Friends and Foes

There was a lot of walking involved. We could've probably went by wolf if I wasn't there. I wouldn't attempt to take a ride on a wolf at the moment. I had seen that happen in a lot of television shows and movies but honestly I don't understand how they did it. The forest was just as bright and vibrant on the other side. I didn't know exactly where we were, though I assumed that we would be in another pack's territory if we were going to meet them.

"The clearing is not much further." Lathen said as he continued to lead the way. There was a few moments where I was worried about him. He seemed healthy but he was rather old. He was a little slow and seemed to struggle with his breath a few times. I didn't really want to say anything, I had just met them, I didn't know if it was something that was avoided or not. "It's a gap between territories."

He said directly to me. I nodded and looked down slightly. I felt like I was completely new to the entire world. "It's where we have meetings and consultations." Ralph said from beside me. "Dad must've gone ahead and asked for a meeting with them." I made a sound of acknowledgement. We had started to hold hands a little while ago, he was helping me around the forest but I made no move to let go.

It wasn't much further until we reached an area which was level. It was a wide open space and it was honestly much more intimidating then being surrounded by trees. I could see Eben in the middle of the clearing as well as another man. He was tanned and he seemed to be around the same age as Lathen. He had wrinkles on his face, particularly around his brown eyes. He seemed cheery, as though he smiled a lot.

"Here they are!" Eben said with a smile as we came forward. He put a hand on Ralph's shoulder and smiled proudly. "Liam, you remember ym son Ralph." Ralph had let go of my hand in order to shake Liam's. I felt as though I was intruding on a business meeting. "This is Ralph's friend Aiden." I held out a hand for him to shake. His hand was warm but he had a firm hold.

"Friend?" Liam raised an eyebrow with a chuckle. "Well then I'll agree with you for the moment. I'm Liam. I'm the alpha of another pack not too far away." He nodded towards Lathen. There was no doubt in my mind that Eben hadn't already told Liam who I was. "So, what is it you all wanted to discuss?"

I could feel some slight curiosity on the subject coming from him. Although I could tell that a lot of it was directed towards my very presence. "The humans have devised a plan to knock down half the forest." Lathen said without much emotion. I would've preferred to see anger or rage. "We have put some things in place to attempt and stop it. Though it seems that they are very persistent. "

"Persistant how?" Liam's eyes had darkened considerably. I didn't know if his pack was in the forest which was also going to be destroyed. I didn't know the werewolf community dynamic. He was worried and he was shifting from foot to foot.

"Aiden was broken into last night." Lathen said sternly. I could see all the humour and happiness leave his expression. "However, not long before that. There were unwelcome wolves on our territory, we didn't recognise any of them. Yet it was the perfect time for the humans to invade the forest." I was the one to start shifting now. I didn't like the term 'the humans' one bit.

"So werewolves and humans are involved together?" Liam furrowed his eyebrows and rubbed his chin like it was an old habit. "We haven't seen much suspicious activity that I know of. Just a few more animals on this side of the forest. We figured that was just natural migration."

Eben shook his head. "A lot of things have been happening. Subtle things but I feel like they're all going to mount up." He had his hand on his chin. "Nothing seemed too out of the ordinary at first. The attack was our first big warning sign." I furrowed my eyebrows at the fact there were small things happening. I hadn't heard about any of them. It must be much more significant if your home was in the middle of the woods.

"Do you think that they're attacking all packs?" Liam said with a lot of worry. I don't blame him, he had to watch out for his own pack. "Do you have any idea who's behind it?" I watched Ralph's expression harden. It must have been on purpose and planned over a long period of time.

"We aren't sure if it's him," Lathen said with a knowing look in his eyes. He had tensed up. I knew that I was missing something. "We haven't seen him in years. I doubt it would be him" I looked back and forward. Realization was on everyone's face. Along with confusion and anxiety. "Unless it's been put into action for years."

"You wouldn't be able to just come up with something like that on the spot." I mumbled nervously. "It would take years of planning and blue prints and talking to people." I didn't know much about construction but my father told em a little bit. "Would they...whoever this is...have a lot of human connections?"

"He could have." Ralph nodded from beside me. "I'm not sure if he had any before he stopped communicating with us. Though I wouldn't be surprised. He seemed to have a grudge against all the packs." His hand was tight around mine. "His name is Travis by the way. I know we didn't mention it."

I nodded in thanks. Something must have happened that I don't know about. I didn't really feel like I could say much in that area, werewolf society. "Aiden I think ti's best you stay at the packhouse." Eben said with his hands now behind his back. "For your own safety. I know that your apartment was in a really bad state. Though your life is top priority right now."

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