Chapter 13 - The bombshell

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My hand pushed down into my pocket finding the remote I had hidden. A smile pulled across my face as I glanced over at the oblivious Dabi. My fingers felt over the buttons while I waited for the perfect time.

Paybacks a bitch Dabi... but I think I'll wait for the right time to use it ...

For once I was right... now wasn't the time for that.

Shigaraki paced at the front of the room with Kurogiri next to him. The room was somewhat quiet as we waited for the last of the gang to arrive. Spinner leaned against the wall with Dabi and Skeptic while Toga, Jas and I stood in a circle around each other as we gossiped.

But there was really only one thing I dying to ask...

"But I need details." I said crossing my arms and tapping my foot on the floor as I stared at Jas.

She rolled her eyes and looked over at Toga for help.

Toga quickly shook her head. "I kinda want to know what happened too." She said with a large smile.

I smiled and pushed Jas's shoulder back so she was facing me again. "And that's two against one so start dishing." I said clapping my hands together.

She sighed and waved us in closer so she didn't have to be too loud. "Okay, so we were chatting at the club." She said looking around to ensure no one was looking. "And then I just asked if he wanted to come back to mine, which he said yes. Then we kinda made out on the way back and ended up ..... ugh.... sleeping together..." she said quietly.

Toga and I gasped in excitement.

No way I need to know more... like what's he like to kiss though.. cause those lips be looking a bit chapped... for real though...

"Okay, so you only left out 99.9% of the rest of the story. I mean I'm pretty sure you know too many intimate details of my sex life with Dabi. So it's my turn to learn about someone else's." I said with a devilish grin.

"I think we all know too many details between you and Dabi..." Toga mumbled.

Jas awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck and sighed loudly. "My god! You don't quit do you. Okay, it was good. Really good. Can I stop talking about it now?" She said awkwardly looking at Shigaraki.

I hummed and rolled my eyes. "You're off the hook for now."

Jas sighed again as I heard someone approach us.

A cold hand gently touched my shoulder as I jerked to look at it's owners. I clutched a hand to my chest and gasped. "Ohhh Compress, hey... you scared the shit outta me then." I said with an awkward chuckle.

Seriously... I almost used my quirk... he would have had 2 bionic arms instead of one....

He lifted his mask off and smiled. "Sorry about that, just happy to see you and Dabi back unharmed."

I keep forgetting what mr compress looks like under his mask... and I gotta say... he's not bad...

"Thanks Compress." I said with a sincere smile.

Kurogiri called out to get everyone's attention so Shigaraki could begin talking. The relaxed atmosphere in the room changed and quickly became very serious.

"First Toga then Dabi and (F/N). We used to be feared and now we can't even safely walk around the streets... OUR STREETS!" Shigaraki yelled.

I saw Jas flinch as he yelled and she grabbed her arm nervously.

I forgot Jas has never really seen the boss angry...

"It's time for us to start forming some alliances again. The liberation army and the Alphas are strong but we need some more allies, so we're going to split up and find some." He said taking a few steps towards us. "Compress and spinner you guys take the van across town, Toga and Kurogiri I want you both to head back to the Free world base. I heard they were all taken out but I still have my doubts." He said as he began to scratch his arm.

Mistakes 2 - Dabi x readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora