Chapter 15 -Solo mission

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I closed my eyes and hit my head back against the wall behind me. So many emotions and thoughts were flowing into my mind, I knew I had to calm myself down before I did something stupid.... again.

I took a deep breath in as I let my body slide down the wall so I was sitting on the floor.

Why did Dabi lie to me...

"For real?" Logan asked as his voice echoed out of the bathroom.

"I mean I guess so man, I swear I wasn't that stupid back then. I would have used protection, but I guess it's not always going to work..." Dabi said letting out a loud sigh. "I mean he shouldn't be mine, but I can't ignore what the kid said. His mums name was Tiffany, she worked at a bar, his dad had some kind of blue flame quirk, the red hair and his age.... it's just too many coincidences man."

"So you lied to (F/N) because you thought she would be mad at you for something that happened years ago? Just tell her the truth idiot, she'll find out one way or another." Logan said.

There was a short pause in their conversation as I pushed my fingers into the temples on my forehead. I pressed them in to try and release some of the tension I was getting from listening to this bullshit.

"I don't know how she'll react man..." Dabi said with another sigh. His words laced with doubt.

My eyes spring open as I moved my hands away from my face.

He doesn't know how I'll react?... I told him I was cool with it?...

"Like she said she would stick with me no matter what the outcome was, but she wanted a kid of her own so bad. How can I make her look after someone else's kid, when she can't have her own. I just feel like this will break her, I can't fuck up again." Dabi said.

My hands fell down onto my thighs when I felt something in my pocket. I looked down and saw the glass vile with the swab sample sticking out. My fingers traced along the outside of the vile slowly.

He thinks I would really leave him... after everything we've been through... everything....

I let out a little chuckle as I picked myself up from the floor.

Ohh boy I'm about to do something stupid again aren't I ...

I zoned out of the conversation Dabi and Logan were having and instead began to think about the young boy I had met earlier.


I need to get him...

He's Dabi's son... I can't just leave him there... alone....

I closed my eyes and activated my quirk taking me back to the hospital Dabi and I were at earlier. I opened my eyes and looked around the streets. I began to walk in the direction I saw the elderly man walk with Ryoko earlier.

I really want to show Dabi how much I've grown up and matured....

He still thinks I'm the same naive girl he picked up at that bar.... the one who couldn't even defend herself against some street thugs...

I paused when I came across an old run down building. The sign out the front was hard to read but I could just make it out.

"Saint Ferguson orphanage....." I mumbled as I approached the front door.

My hand reached up to the door knob but then stopped.

Okay so what the hell do I even say.... hey a kid called Ryoko here might be my fiancé's son and I just wanna stick the swab thing in his mouth to find out for sure....

Mistakes 2 - Dabi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now