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After his stressful trip to the coffee shop, James decided to head to the park for a walk. He needed something to clear his head for a bit. He noted how good the cinnamon roll was and decided he might go back at a later date. While watching everyone live their lives, he questioned how he could ever have the life he longed for. Just to be normal again. Finding a bench, he sat down and pulled out his notebook. He had seven names written down so far. He closed it and took a deep breath. 

After walking for a bit, he grabbed some takeout at his favorite Chinese place and headed home. He dreaded the coming of night. 

Upon walking in to his place, an eerie silence falls upon his ears. Everything is still and quiet. The walls are bare, the furniture is minimal, and the air-- suffocating. He pulls his jacket off, sits down, and starts to eat his late lunch. Every now and then, he would hear the laughter of a child or the passing of a car. He looks down at his vibranium arm. I will never be normal again. As his thoughts start to spiral, he remembers the warmth he felt from the woman at the coffee shop. How she smiled at him with a gentleness. He shook his head in disbelief that anyone would treat him the same way if they knew his past. His loneliness felt eternal. 

After her shift ended, Zoe closes up shop and enjoys the walk back to her apartment. Sunsets. She always loved sunsets as a little girl. Almost like a love note written in the sky, bidding her goodnight. She smiles at the thought and arrives home. Atlas hurries to her feet as soon as she opens the door. "Hey, Atlas. You break anything else today?" He meows and rubs against her legs. Once Zoe feeds him, she prepares to relax for the night. After a shower and a small dinner, she curls up on the couch with Atlas and begins to read a book. As she begins, she remembers the man at the shop. Shrugging it off, she gets lost in her novel.  

A Place for You & Me ・Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now