at last

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After a couple of months, the wedding was here-- at last.

Though it is a hot summer in July, the weather today is perfect for an outdoor wedding. 

Prior to the ceremony, Sam helps James keep his head level. He is having cold feet, but Sam reassures him of their relationship.

"You chose the right one, Buck. She's perfect for you."

"You think so?" James is a nervous wreck.

"I know it." Sam places his hands on Bucky's shoulders. "Take some deep breaths, man. You're gonna be fine." James follows his advice and breathes in and out through his mouth. 

"How do I look?"



"Does the dress look alright?"

"It looks fine, Zoe. You look beautiful." Angela is helping Zoe with her last minute preparations before the ceremony.

"I'm so afraid."

"Of what, sweet pea?"

"I don't know. What if I'm not for him?"

"You are. You two are the perfect fit. I wouldn't give my daughter away to anyone." Tears well up in her eyes. "He's the one for you." Zoe smiles and they embrace. 

"Don't make me cry, Mom. This make-up took forever." She laughs lightly. 

"I love you, Zoe."

"I love you, too, Mom."

"I'm so glad I am here to today. Your dad and sister would be proud."

Her words immediately made a tear run down Zoe's face, but she didn't care. She had been thinking about them, too. 


James makes his way to the front and Sam takes his seat with the other guests. Though Zoe's guest attendance only includes her mom and some of the other dance instructors, James' guests includes Sam and his family, T'Challa, Shuri, members of the Dora Milaje, Joaquin Torres, Bruce Banner, James Rhodes, and Christina Raynor. The guests sit on wooden benches decorated with white roses during the ceremony. A flower arch takes the center with real flowers covering the wire structure. Zoe intentionally chose flowers that naturally attract butterflies. Bucky stands underneath it, waiting for Zoe. 

When soft music is heard, the guests stand and turn to find Zoe in a white, A-line wedding dress with lace accents across her shoulders and along the dress. Her hair is styled in an elegant style to showcase her curls. She is also wearing the gold necklace James gave her. In her hands are cream and red colored dahlias. As she walks down the isle with her mom, James is overcome with joy. This is it. He is getting ready to marry the woman he so dearly loves. Tears form in his eyes and butterflies float around the arch. Angela hugs and kisses Zoe before handing her to James, taking the bouquet from Zoe. Zoe places her hands in his, looking into his eyes. They were bright blue and she could see where tears started to form. She smiles, unable to believe she is about to marry the man she loves. 

The officiant begins the ceremony and butterflies float in and around the arch, landing on them every once in a while. When the time comes, Sam brings the rings up and as they place the rings on each other's finger, they exchange words. 

"Zoe, I never thought I would get married, yet here I am. Your love is so natural and pure, I was sure you wouldn't see me, let alone go out with me. You make me feel whole. I am my best self when I'm with you. You showed me who the real James Barnes is." He begins to tear up again. "And I don't know what I would have done if I had never walked in that coffee shop. I can't even imagine a life without you, now. I love you so much, Zo. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." He places the ring on her finger. 

Zoe takes a deep breath before speaking. 

"James, you have been my rock. You have been my protector. I never knew I could love so deeply until I met you. Even in my mess, you stayed with me. You carried me through my darkest moments. And I can never repay you for that. I'm so lucky to call you mine, and words will never be able to express the love I feel for you. Now that I have your love, I never want to part from it. I love you, Bucky." She places the ring on his finger and a butterfly rests on it a few moments before flying away. The officiant declares them husband and wife and James kisses his bride. 

"Mr. and Mrs. Barnes!" The officiant states and the guests cheer. Zoe and Bucky hold each other a few seconds before they walk down the aisle together. The guests follow them into a nearby building, and they all celebrate together. James and Zoe were never happier and they cherished this moment with family and friends. 

Finally, James felt like he had a place in this world-- and it was right next to Zoe. 

thank you for reading!! this will be the first story i completed. i wanted to clarify that timeline wise, this would have occurred before T'Challa's passing. RIP King🖤

i contemplated writing a honeymoon chapter, so if you would like it to happen, i will make sure it gets done.  also might continue the story after the marriage but who knows

currently writing "siempre," an original romance story. check it out if you're interested. might write a fanfic after that one... stay tuned... 

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