my girl

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After a night of hanging out with Sam and James, Zoe makes her way back home. Thankfully, she didn't have work in the morning and could sleep in. Her phone buzzes. 


I'm glad you came out, Sam really enjoyed getting to know you 

Zoe smiles and rolls over in her bed. Atlas was kneading on her arm, beckoning her to get up and feed him. Another buzz.

Working today?

No, got a day off

Aww, wanted to come grab a cinnamon roll :(

Zoe smirks. 

You can still get one, ya know. Shop isn't closed

Nah, wouldn't be the same without you

Her heart skips a beat. She didn't know what to say, but thankfully, Atlas meows loudly to get her attention. 

"Okay, Atlas, I'm up, I'm up." She gets up and feeds her furry companion. 

Her phone buzzes on the counter.

Still, I would like to see you today. You free?

What did you have in mind?


Zoe wasn't sure where she was going, but she was following James' directions. And they were literally directions from her apartment. Not even a pin or location. The directions were detailed and she ended up at an old arcade game shop. Somehow, she had never heard of this place. James was waiting for her outside. 

"Glad you made it. I hope you like arcade games."

"Are you kidding me? I absolutely love them!"


They step into the shop and rows of stand up arcade games fill the space. Upon finding the coin machine, they trade bills for quarters and play to their hearts' content. After a while, James asks, "You hungry? There's a great pizza place nearby?"


"Yeah, that's the one."

"Love that place. Let's do it."

They leave the arcade shop and grab some slices of pizza. They decide to eat on the bench of a nearby park. A lake is close by and they watch the ducks land in and around the lake. It was quiet, but suddenly Zoe hears James humming. Soon, his hums become words. 

"'I guess you'd say what can make me feel this way? My girl..'" his voice trails off and he meets her eyes with his. 

"I see you listened to it." She smiles shyly. 

"Yeah, I really liked it. Has the old timey feel to it."

Zoe agrees but then a realization comes upon her. 

"So, wait, how old are you then?"

"Around 100 years."


"Yeahh, but it's fine. I age all the same."

"Right." A few seconds of silence pass.


"Yeah?" She turns to look at him again. 

"I don't know how guys do it these days, but, uh-" he inhales "will you be my girl?" 

Zoe grins and looks away briefly before looking at him again, smiling. 

"Do you have sunshine on a cloudy day?" 

James smiles and they both lean in ever so slowly, planting a soft kiss on each others' lips. 

A Place for You & Me ・Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now