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Upon leaving the shop, it started to drizzle and James walked swiftly to his apartment. After entering, he put the crumpled bag on the dining table and changed. For dinner, he ate some leftover pizza from the previous night. The rain started to pelt the windows softly and he remembered how rainy it was in his childhood. He hated the rain.

When finished with his dinner, he decided to pull out his journal and look at the recipes he wrote down. Instantly, he thought of Zoe. Something about that shop made him feel at ease. After re-reading some recipes he wrote down, he decided to watch some t.v. on his couch. 


The rain drenched Zoe as she walked home since she forgot her umbrella. Luckily, she didn't mind. She preferred to dance in the rain. After her nightly routine, she decided to watch tv on her couch instead of reading her novel. Atlas played with some toys at her feet and she drifted off to sleep shortly after. 


Eventually, James fell asleep watching his tv. His sleep was sound until the thunder caused him to have nightmares. The sound made memories of war come back up while he slept. When a thundering crack came down, he shot up fast, breathing heavily and shaking. He realized it was only the thunder and the nightmare was only a fantasy. He got up from the couch and proceeded to lay on the floor when he laid eyes on his jacket. He remembered what his therapist had said about writing down his nightmares. He retrieved his journal from his jacket pocket and wrote a few lines down. He began to lie down on his cold sheet when he heard a faint knock on his door. Alert, he approached the door and peeped through the hole. He couldn't believe what he saw. 

A Place for You & Me ・Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now