chapter two

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I was getting dressed, when I heard a knock on my door.
It was kyle.
"Am sorry v I just wanted to make sure you had the original copy of the contract" he said from the other side of the door.
"I do, don't worry about it"
"Okay thanks" he said and I heard his footsteps slowly fading away.

I was really nervous, I prayed that he wouldn't be the one in charge of the project. I didn't know how to face him, I had to admit, I was still a bit scared of him.

I walked behind kyle as we entered the lobby of chemin inc, maya kyle's personal assistant following behind us.
We were greeted by a man who called himself bobby.
"Mr larson, Miss Moore, welcome to chemin inc. please follow me to the conference room" he said politely.
In all the years I had been married to jason I had never been to his office. It was kinda beautiful, the walls were painted blue with  one  tiny strap of black.
The waiting area was huge, but we walked right past it, and into the elevator.

"Mr niretah  will be with you shortly, please take a seat" bobby said and left us alone in the conference room.
"I need to use the bathroom" I said and left to find it.

"Can I help you"a voice said.

"Yes am looking for the bathroom" I turned around to see who the voice belonged to.

" Hi am travis, am the janitor, follow me" he said.
He took me to the ladies room and I thanked him.

As I stepped out of the bathroom I saw him.
I knew I would see him, I just didn't expect him to be so different, he wasn't as badass as he once was, he looked depressed and lonely.
Great, while I was rebuilding my life, his last life was falling apart.
And I thought this was going to be hard.
"Eve..."he said emotionlessly
"It's Miss Moore to you sir"
"What are you talking about"
"Am Miss Moore, the one in charge of project Almanac, you must be Mr Niretah"
"Eve....we need to talk"
"Yes we do, in the conference room, you're late Mr Niretah"I said and began walking back to the conference room.
"Eve, wait" he held my hand.
"Let go of me, this a business environment sir" I said coldly.
"Am sorry" he released my hand and I walked away, I didn't look back though I could feel his eyes piercing through me.
                          &.         &.        &.
"Are you okay"mara asked
"Yeah why do you ask"
"You look really angry"
"I bumped into an old enemy"I said truthfully.

We waited for five minutes before he finally entered the conference room with his project manager. Bruce willis.
He couldn't stop smiling when he saw me, I smiled back.
Bruce was Jason's best friend, he and I were not very close but we had an understanding, he advised me to run away, the first time I ended up in the hospital because of Jason, if only I had listened. What a fool I was, believing he loved me, defending him, my heart felt weak.
"Mr Niretah, am Mr larson and this is the project manager, Miss Moore she will be overseeing everything about this project." Kyle said, they shook hands and sat down to discuss business.

He kept drifting off during the meeting, he wasn't concentrating,so bruce took over
Bruce had a great business mind, one of the many reasons why Jason kept him around.
I wanted to feel bad for Jason but I felt nothing towards him except hatred and anger. A feeling I was never going to let go of.

"Mr Niretah and I would like you to stay in the city until project Almanac starts, we need your scientific support  and equipments and you need our chemicals, if this project works then we will be the leading scientific company in the world, our products will be flying off the shelf" bruce smiled, extremely proud of himself for choosing our company.

"We accept we will stay till the project Begins, since both parties agree to the terms and conditions, we will revise and sign the contract" I said as I brought out the contract and placed it on the table.
Kyle and Jason signed the contract and we were done.

As me and kyle left the building, I was stopped by bobby.
"Miss Moore, Mr Niretah would like to have a word with you"he said.
"Tell Mr Niretah, that am busy"
"V if he wants to talk to you, maybe it's about the project, you're the manager you should go" kyle said
"Okay" I followed Bobby to the elevator, kyle knew why I left my husband but he didn't know that Jason was the so called husband.

I walked into his office and it was huge and beautiful I had to admit.
"When did you change your name"He asked as he stood up.
"That's none of your business" I said and sat down comfortably on his seat.
"You've changed"he said softly
I laughed and took a sip of his wine if I was going to see him, I could at least make myself comfortable.
"We need to talk"
"I'm listening"I took another sip, wow this wine Tastes good.
"I'm..... I'm so so sorry"he said his voice breaking.
"Will sorry bring back my child" I took the last sip and poured myself a new glass of wine.
He said nothing, just stared at me like he had seen a ghost.
"I didn't....." He paused, and put his hands over his face.
"You didn't what, you didn't know I was pregnant, I tried to, you know, I tried to tell you" I was breaking, i couldn't break, not in front of him.
"Am sorry....I don't know how to apologize"
"I don't want to hear it"
"Eve please, just listen to me"
"I did but you had nothing to say" I picked up my bag"
"Wait... please"he held my hand.
"I hate u, I regret the day I met you" I pushed him away and left.

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