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Moving away was the best decision she had ever made, she missed kyle, every single day.

A lot had changed and tomorrow she would officially open her bakery, today she would review everything, make sure everything was in place.

She opened the doors of her bakery, taking in the fresh smell of paint.

A lot had changed about her,this time it was good changed, Last month the news of jason's death was on every news station. Cancer they said,she switched off the TV that night and slept peacefully.

Now as she sat on one of the new chairs, smiling at what she had created.

Love wasn't for her,if she ever met kyle again, she would apologize for disappearing so suddenly and with no explanation.

And if she saw Laura, she would give her big hug and invite her over.

She even got herself a dog and she named him chester, he was a beautiful dalmatian.

Her house had a library and a kitchen bigger than her living room.

Everything had fallen into place.

Her thoughts were interupted by a small knock on the door.

She cleaned her tears, walking towards the Bakery door.

"Kyle"her jaw dropped.

"It was hard to find you"

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