chapter ten

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Present day.........

"When are we leaving"I asked kyle, he was going through some paperwork.

"We have a meeting with the scientist overseeing the project and another meeting with Mr Niretah concerning the contract"

"Then we'll leave"


"Can't believe you rented a suite just so you could stay in it for just a week"I looked around, it was really beautiful.

"Actually, I bought it"he looked at me.

"That explains a lot"

"Why do you want to leave so bad, does it have something to do with bruce"

I  was getting uncomfortable, I didn't like talking about jason or my marriage.

"No it has nothing to do with Jason"

"I said bruce"

"Oh right, let's just say, I don't like this city"

"The meeting is this afternoon, the next one is next week, so you'll have to endure"he packed up the papers.

"Thank you kyle"before he could say anything I was already in my room.

                   &.             &.             &.
I scanned my room, to make sure I  didn't forget anything.
"Where's maya"I asked kyle as I picked up my bag.
"She went back,to handle a few things"he said.

We arrived at chemin inc, ten minutes before the meeting.

Bobby showed us to the conference room, the team of scientists were already at the table, we were all waiting for Mr Niretah and Bruce.

"Sorry am late"bruce said as he sat down.

"Mr Niretah will not be able to join us today,he has an emergency to attend to"he continued,he quickly changed the subject and the meeting commenced.

It was over before I knew it, the scientists said they needed more equipments and we agreed of course that meant spending a lot of money.

Bruce wanted to talk to kyle so  I sat in the lobby waiting for him.

A few minutes later a boy, maybe 10 years old sat next to me.

"Hi, am eve"I said and smiled
he kept his ball on the floor and shook my hand
"Am ben, do you work here"he asked.
"No I don't,am a business partner" he kept looking at me like he had seen me before.

"Who are you waiting for"he picked up his ball.

"My friend, what about you"

"Am waiting for uncle bruce"he said.
I wondered if he was talking about the bruce I knew.

"I know you, your pictures are in my dad's room"he smiled as he had finally remembered, but I was really confused.

"Who's your dad"
"Mr Jason Niretah, he owns this place"he was extremely proud of his dad.

"Wow, I know him, how old are you"

"Am nine" he laughed.

"You're a big boy"

"That's exactly what I tell my mom".
Am guessing his mom is scarlet, this explains a lot.
We talked about everything, football, music, movies, avengers to be precise, I really liked ben.
Soon bruce walked in and when he noticed me and Ben he looked like he had seen a ghost.

"Eve,emmm......this is Ben"

"I know"I smiled at him.

"Uncle Bruce, eve is my friend"

"Oh, that's.....very..nice"he was very uncomfortable.

"Can we go now, am hungry"
"Go to car, am coming"
He carried his bag and ball, waved at me and left.

"I swear, I wanted to tell you"he was really ashamed, he should be.

"I married jason, seven years ago, ben is nine"

"He said he would tell you"

"It wasn't your job to tell me, am not mad at you"I smiled.

"Eve, would you like to have coffee with me tomorrow"

"I don't drink coffee"I teased.

"How about tea"

"It's not good for my health"
He laughed.

"Ice cream"he smiled,
So he knew my weakness.

"I'll think about it"I winked
He laughed again
"Okay I'll call you"

"I don't think I'll pick up"


We both turned and saw kyle, apparently he was standing there the whole time.

"Bye Eve"Bruce said and left.

"So you have a date"he was doing weird things with his eyebrows.

"I don't know yet"

"Are you ready to leave"

"Of course I am, I've been waiting for you"

"Okay let's go"we left the building,
I couldn't stop thinking about Ben, I was shocked, he had a child before we got married. I was surprised that I wasn't hurt by it.
I was getting over it, I stopped blaming my myself or jason.
I liked ben, I surely going to see him again and I didn't care about scarlet or jason.

"Earth to eve, earth to eve"kyle snapped his fingers in front of my face.

"Oh, sorry"
"I was asking you if you were really going on a date with.....him"he didn't seem happy about it.

"I think so"

"Aren't you busy"
"Are you trying to get me to say no to bruce"

"No no, am just watching out for you"

"Bruce is a good person"

"He has a problem with me"

"Yes I noticed"

"I don't even know what I did"

"Not everyone will like you"

"He likes you"

"No he doesn't, we are just friends going on a friendly date"I frowned, bruce didn't like me at least not that way.

"Keep lying to yourself"

"You're not happy about this, are you"
He didn't say anything, which proved my point.

"Kyle am talking to you"

"Am starving, look at the Time"he was obviously trying to change the topic, because he could never lie to me.

"Kyle, don't lie to me"

"Fine, I don't want you to go onna date with bruce"


"I can't tell you"

"Am still going to go on a date"

"I know, it's your life, your decision"


The rest of the ride was silent, the radio played softly, and kyle was not in a good mood, I knew he want me to g because he didn't like bruce either what other reason could there be

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