chapter six

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Seven years ago........

For the past month, me and Jason has become really close, I told him about my parents, aunt hella, her death, the money she left for me, everything.
And he told me how his father just died and he had no choice but to take over his father's company, his mother's illness, how he's the only child.
I really enjoy being around him, he was one of the very few people I genuinely called my friend.
He started taking me out, some days he'd come over and we would watch movies together and other days I'd go over to his house, which was beautiful.
He said he wanted make things official, so he asked me to be his girlfriend, I was scared at first, so I told him I was going to think about it.
Then I said yes and  we were official, our relationship was so perfect, it was too good to be true.
A month  into the relationship and I was sure I was in love. I even met his mother she was amazing, he introduced me to his best friend Bruce. Everything was perfect.
Then I graduated, got my degree, that night he decided to take me out to dinner, mid way through the night, he got on his knees and asked me to marry him.
I had no idea he was going to propose so soon, he talked about marriage a lot, but I wasn't expecting it, I could picture a perfect future with him.
So I said yes.
I had no idea that it was the worst decision I made in my life.

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