chapter twenty three

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She pressed the door bell and patiently waited for an answer.
She was welcomed in by jason, he couldn't stop smiling.

"What are you doing her"he asked motioning her to come in.

"I came to say goodbye"

"You're leaving"his smile slowly faded.

"Yeah.. tomorrow actually,am gonna start a bakery"

"Why can't you start it here"

"Because.... because kyle isn't here"

"Oh.. that's disappointing".

"Yeah"she smiled.

"That reminds me, you haven't taken the papers yet"he changed the topic,

He walked up to the tiny shelf beneath his TV and brought out a file.

He coughed violently and covered his mouth with a handkerchief.

He gave her the file still coughing.

"Are you okay"she asked.

"Yeah" he stopped folding the handkerchief and putting it in his pockets.

"Is that blood"she reached out to take the handkerchief.

"No, it's nothing "he began coughing again, this time it was worse.

"I'll get you water" she dropped the file and her bag on the table and rushed to the kitchen.

When she came back, he was on the floor, still coughing.


He gulped down the water and took a deep breath.

"Thank you"

"I have to go now,I didn't even get to see ben"

"He'll be back soon, you could wait"

"I haven't seen scarlet either"

"Me and scarlet do not live together,she comes to visit ben"

"That's good"

"You're so selfish" he hissed.


"You don't want me to move on, even when you have moved on"

"I don't understand"

"You're happy, I'm not with scarlet, because you don't want me to have someone else in my life"

"That's not true"

"You want the truth,the truth tired of  you making me feel terrible"

"Because our marriage was terrible"

"Are you listening to yourself, what about movie Saturdays or sundae Friday, what about all the fun we had,the necklace I got you, when we went to Hawaii,you don't even talk about the good times, you make it seem like it was all bad"

"You hit me"

"And I'm sorry about that,I truly am,how many times did I hit you in the space of our two years marriage.

"I don't.. know"she stuttered surprised by his sudden outburst.

"Our marriage wasn't all bad and it wasn't a mistake, I was getting better, I went to therapy, we were okay, and I got drunk and said somethings I shouldn't have"

"You came home with scarlet" she yelled.

"No, scarlet brought me home, she bumped into me at the bar and I was drunk, she helped me"

"Why were you drinking"

"I lost the biggest contract of my career,I was sad and angry''


"It's okay,You've moved on to kyle,too bad I can't do the same"

"Don't you dare try that on me"she fumed

He tightened his fist.

"Don't you dare jason, it doesn't matter if you did it once you did it and that's it"

"I thought you forgave me"he

"You know what, I didn't, you are deceitful and I was fool to think you changed"she picked up the file and her purse.

"So what,you think kyle's any different"he yelled.

"Don't you drag him into this"

"He doesn't know, does he"he smirked

Before she could respond he broke down, coughing violently again, he pressed the handkerchief on his lips.

She turned around, ignoring his loud and violent cough.

As she opened the door,she bumped into bruce, she rolled her eyes in disgust, he was no different from Jason,

he was distracted by jason's violent cough and as he rushed in to save his best friend,  she walked off.

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