Chapter 14 - Hot & cold

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Seven lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling. She was very tired but couldn't sleep knowing what tomorrow was going to be like. Laying in this massive bed, in the tower felt wrong, as if she didn't deserve it. She knew exactly what the kids still stuck at the facility were going through and even being safe here with the avengers was something she would have killed to have a few weeks ago.

Sighing, she pulled the covers off of her body and stood up, making her way out of her room and towards the kitchen, looking for some water. Now the team knew more about her they trusted her to be in the tower on her own so she didn't have to worry about sneaking around but she still made sure to make as little noise as possible, pouring her water slowly.

Suddenly she heard a small noise and swivelled around, looking anxiously for Tony or Steve, waiting to be told off but it was just Natasha. She didn't know whether that was worse or better honestly.

"Seven?" Natasha asked doubtfully, "What are you doing up? It's almost three in the morning"

Seven shrugged and turned back around before grabbing another glass and pouring the water into that one too. She took both glasses and made her way over to Natasha, handing her one and sitting down on the couch.

"Just couldn't sleep I guess," She said vaguely.

Natasha stopped for a second, considering her options. Really she should just go back to bed and leave the teenager alone but since this morning they hadn't spoken about what happened and the tense atmosphere was affecting them both so she sat down next to her, placing her glass down on the glass table in front of the couch.

"Me neither, I guess going back there has the same effect on us both" Natasha laughed weakly but they both knew it wasn't genuine.

"I'm sorry again for today" Seven apologized, turning to face Natasha, regret clear on her face. 

"It's okay, I understand" Natasha confirmed before the room fell into silence, not awkward but just comforting as both sat fully immersed in their thoughts.

"Did you ever meet him?" Natasha asked after a while, both knowing who she was suggesting.

"We never spoke but sometimes some guy would come and stand outside the glass, watching me be electrocuted over and over again, maybe it was him," Seven shuddered at the memory. "Did you?" 

"Only once, when I was seventeen" Seven didn't press further but instead offered a sympathetic half-smile.

Over time the two began to share stories, realizing that their early childhood had been almost identical, it was painful for both of them to talk about, but it seemed right, talking with someone who could actually understand. Someone who had experienced the same combat lessons taught by the same people. 

"I just hope that they're all okay," Seven thought out loud

"Who? The kids?" 

"Yeah" Seven nodded solemnly, "They looked at me for safety and reassurance, and then I just left them there alone" Seven tried her best not to start crying which made her voice come out all high and forced. 

"I'm sure they're okay Seven" Natasha tried to be reassuring but they both knew that there was a slim chance that all the girls were alright, Seven just nodded weakly.

Natasha reached in her pocket for her phone, pulling it out and checking the time. "Woah, it's almost half four" they both knew that they would suffer later if they didn't sleep soon but neither got up, not wanting to break the moment they seemed to be having. Seven could feel herself drifting off and instead of getting up, she closed her eyes, bringing her knees up to her chest and slowly falling asleep. 

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