Chapter 51 - The changes fall brings

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The following Monday marked the beginning of October and Seven could already feel the difference in the air and at school. All the stores had started selling pumpkins which Peter had told her were for carving spooky images into, he also promised that he would take her to pick out some so they could carve them. The air was brisk and there was a chilliness present that wasn't there before, she loved that she could wear a hoodie pretty much always now. 

Flash was back at school and Seven had also realised how things had shifted for both him and Peter. He no longer came near Peter or her in any of their lessons or at lunch and Peter seemed overall happier because of it. The only people even looking Flash's way were his friends who Seven had decided were equally as much of assholes as him.

She watched out the window as her biology teacher talked in the background, she wasn't that into science and couldn't care less as Peter excitedly looked through the microscopes that were placed on their shared desk. She preferred watching the newly orange and red leaves fall instead. 

"Miss Thomas?" Her teacher asked and Seven looked over, meeting her annoyed stare. She had gotten used to being called Seven Thomas at school, she learned to separate herself when she was here and when she was at home.

"Yeah?" She asked, subtly pulling her headphone from her ear as the teacher continued to speak, Fleetwood Mac fading as she took it out completely.

"Have you been listening?" She asked, her voice condescending as she had already decided that Seven was not.

Seven hadn't been listening, too fascinated with the trees outside, but she didn't want to admit that. "Yep" She nodded curtly.

"Then what have I been talking about for the last five minutes?"

"Uh, microscopes?" She guessed, glancing at Peter who looked panicked for her, "Biology too, probably"

"Well yes," The teacher said, "But not specifically. I was actually explaining your homework"

"Thrilling" Seven contributed sarcastically and the teacher shushed her while Peter stifled a laugh.

"As I was saying, for the next lesson tomorrow I need each of you to go home and gather two samples of DNA from people around you. One biological and non-biological sample and- yes Sarah?"

"What kind of samples?"

"Hair strands preferably" She answered, "We will look under the microscopes and you can compare their DNA to your own. The DNA can then be sent to Halzar's lab where they've offered to do official testing as part of the curriculum. From there you will be expected to write an essay on the different results we get here in the classroom and the more thorough results the lab will give. Everyone clear?"

A mixed murmur of agreement echoed the room, showing they understood. It was also accompanied with the general groans of dissatisfaction at the mention of having to write an essay as Peter raised his hand.

"Yes Peter I will set it online so you don't forget. Again."

"Thank you," Peter said happily as the bell wrung overhead and all the students began to pack up, placing the microscopes carefully onto the allocated rack at the back of the classroom before grabbing their bags and crowding through the door.

"Wait didn't she say one biological and non-biological sample?" Peter asked worriedly.

"Oh yeah," Seven realised, "Do you want to go back and ask what you should do?"

"No, it's okay. I'll just get two non-biological samples, it's not like I have any other options" He laughed a little and Seven smiled sympathetically back, she really didn't want him to feel sad about this.

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