Chapter 71 - Casino

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A.N: Surprise! Double update. I like this one so I hope you guys do too. Thank you so much for reading :)


Seven didn't wait for the Avengers to catch up, quickly slipping through the doors into the busy atmosphere that consumed the casino. No way would the Avengers be ID'd and she didn't want to be noticed or blow her cover.

She spotted Yelena at the bar, chatting with a handsome man. Anya was on the other side of the room, at the poker table, obviously. 

She decided to head over to the blackjack table, where she could see the target stood with a woman. Seven deduced their relationship as clearly just friends, based on their body language. She sat alone and picked up her hand, speaking to the dealer briefly.

Seven played with minimal interest, trying to casually listen in to the conversation happening a few seats over. So far the conversation had been about nothing interesting, so she had nothing to report.

"Can I buy you a drink?" A man sat down next to her, he looked about twenty-one. She didn't recognize him.

"No thank you," She smiled, "underage." 

Seven cursed America's stupid legal drinking age.

"Ah," He smiled back and took up his own hand, attempting to continue making conversation.

"Dreykov's men have arrived," Sofia's voice crackled in her ear. "They're entering the casino on the left."

Seven laughed at something the man said. She took notice of the target moving away from the table, striking a conversation with a person she recognized as Captain America - Steve Rogers. 

Seven faked disappointment as she purposefully lost another round, "Sorry, will you excuse me? I'm having no luck with this."

The man nodded sympathetically and she pushed back her stool, making her way over to the bar to sit. It was a great vantage point for observation, even if she couldn't drink.

"Target is on the move," She said, voice low as she watched him end his conversation with the blonde with a shake of hands. He joined his original friend as they disappeared from her view, to some of the tables around the corner. She re-directed her gaze to Dreykov's men who were calculatedly dispersed around the room.

"Target spotted." Anya replied, "Not engaging yet."

Seven sensed Yelena before she felt her hand on her shoulder. The blonde took a seat next to her at the bar, ordering a weak drink. 

"One of us should probably drink something," She stated, thanking the bartender with a wink. 

"I wish it was me," Seven sighed, 

Yelena let out a low chuckle, "I feel stupid in this dress." She gestured to her whole outfit, neither women were looking at each other as they talked, both looking at the men.

"Nonsense, you look good." Seven reassured before adding, "accent," reminding Yelena to lay on a more convincing American accent.

"Maybe I'm German," She argued, "Or French. My accent is great thank you very much."

Seven just shook her head. 

"It is great," Seven heard another voice, one she didn't recognize. Her ears perked up. "I love the French accent."

"Thank you," Yelena replied. Now she really did have to sell the French accent, thank goodness she was good at it.

Seven trailed the tallest member of Dreykov's men with her eyes, using it as an excuse to turn in her seat slightly and look at who Yelena was talking to.

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