Chapter 28 - "Screw this"

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A.N: So I watched black widow on Friday and have realized that not all of this will be accurate to the film. As much as I would love to make it accurate it would mean changing large parts of the book and therefore some of the storyline so for that reason I'm just going to leave it. For the record, I absolutely loved the film and was heartbroken all over again when I remembered that she wasn't coming back.

The party was still going on strong and Seven carried on pulling Steve through the crowds, ignoring his confused stares.

When they were far enough from the balcony she slowed down to a walk and let Steve catch his breath. "Seven?" He asked,


"Why did you just drag me away so fast?"

"No reason," she said innocently, "I just wanted to talk to you, that's all" She smiled at him and let go of his hand. Now that they were away from Sharon, she could start following her and Peter's plan.

"So the mission was rough today" Seven began, "How are you holding up?" Steve looked at her confused, thinking for a moment.

"I'm fine Seven, I'm used to the missions being followed with a party or long meeting. Thank you for your concern though" 

"It's alright. Hey, now that we're here do you want to go get something to drink?" Seven pointed over to the bar where her mother was stood behind the counter, making herself a drink.

"Sure, non-alcoholic for you though" He agreed and Seven rolled her eyes before walking over.

"Hey mom, can I get something to drink? " Seven greeted happily as she slid onto one of the bar stools, Steve sitting beside her.

"What do you want?" Natasha asked, "Non-alcoholic" She added quickly

"I know, I know. Steve already said that" She sighed before resting her elbows on the side, placing her chin on her hands. "Water please" She mumbled and Natasha laughed before grabbing a bottle of water from underneath the counter.

"How about you?" Natasha smiled at Steve who pointed to the half-full glass in his hand,

"I'm all good, I didn't know you were bartending tonight," He said and Natasha shook her head,

"I wasn't" She laughed a little, "Tony asked me to when the bartender cancelled"

"I had no idea you could make drinks" Steve mused and Seven watched them intensely, they were obviously interested in what the other was saying. She didn't get why they didn't just go out already.

When Seven zoned back into the conversation, they were talking about something entirely different and she realized that this wasn't going anywhere. They had thought that getting them to talk privately would spark something but they were just speaking like normal.

She looked back at the balcony doors and spotted Peter re-entering alone, leaving Agent Carter on the balcony and she subtly motioned for him to come over.

Natasha was leaning on the bar now, still talking to Steve so neither adults noticed Seven's large hand gestures to a confused Peter who was speed walking across the floor, through the groups of people. Finally, Peter's mouth formed an 'O' shape and Seven knew he understood what she was trying to get him to do.

Seven slowly slid off of the barstool, taking a few steps back as Peter reached her, them both nodding subtly. Peter moved as if he was going to go and sit down next to Steve but instead crashed into his back making Steve jolt forward and accidentally throw his drink all over Natasha.

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