Chapter 34 - "Midtown school of science and technology"

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The next morning Seven lept out of bed, not even bothering to check the time or get changed before she left her room and raced down the corridor, looking for her best friend.

"Guess who's going to school" Seven burst through Peter's door, making him jump.

"you?" He asked, amused at her behaviour.

"Yep, Seven Romanoff is going to..." She trailed off and looked at him for an answer, she still didn't know the name of the school she was going to be attending.

"Midtown school of science and Technology," Peter said from where he was sat by his desk, presumably doing homework.

"Seven Romanoff is going to Midtown school of science and Technology" She finished in a sing-song voice.

"Fury got your name changed already? That's cool" 

"Yeah but I have to have a fake one for school, with Ivan and all"

"Yeah, that makes sense" Peter agreed, "About Ivan..."

"What?" Seven stopped skipping around and faced him, watching him sceptically. "No" Seven stated when she realized what he was going to say. "No no no no no, we can't Pete" She shook her head.

"I know but-"

"I promised Natasha, I promised her" She emphasized her words but Peter didn't seem to care.

"I promised Tony too" he shrugged, "but it's our duty as avengers to protect the people"

"We aren't avengers" Seven responded.

"Not yet but we will be, plus the people," He said and Seven narrowed her eyes at him.

"don't you dare use my desire to help everyone against me Peter Parker" She threatened but Peter just looked back, batting his eyes innocently.

"It's not like we even know that it's him anyway" He bargained.

"We don't know that it isn't him" Seven fired back and Pete shrugged,

"Maybe not but we did only promise not to go seeking out Ivan specifically, we wouldn't be seeking him out, just the unusual activity." Seven considered his words for a second but shook her head anyway.

"We can't, you know we can't"

"The people Seven, we must protect the people. You know how busy the avengers are, this definitely isn't something urgent for them to focus on, imagine how many people who could be hurt if we didn't do anything" He taunted and Seven glared at him.

"Curse you for using my weakness Pete" 

"Does this mean that you'll do it?" He asked excitedly.

"You're doing it with or without me aren't you?" Peter nodded honestly and Seven thought for a moment. "Fine, someone has to keep you from doing something insane" Peter perked up and grinned. "The moment we see it has anything to do with Ivan we tell the avengers" 

"Of course" He replied nonchalantly. 

"And no doing anything that could kill you, or both of us"

"Mmmm, fine"

Seven sighed, "count me in then but we can't go today, we have the whole team interrogations"

"Soon though" He argued and Seven nodded,


Seven couldn't believe she had just let Peter talk her into doing this. "What would your Dad think of your rebellious behaviour Parker?" She teased and Peter cocked his head.

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