Chapter 50: Safe and Sound

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Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

45 minutes later....
Meanwhile back at Hotel Transylvania, Dennis and Winnie were playing with Tinkles at the lobby with Mavis and Wanda accompanying the children.

WINNIE: Hi, Dennis. You wanna play? Zing zing zing!

DENNIS: (*giggle) Hi, Winnie!

Winnie playfully pounced on Dennis and vigorously licked his face making him giggle.

WANDA: Winnie, sweetheart. Stop playing rough on Dennis.

MAVIS: It's alright, Aunt Wanda. Dennis can play with Winnie just don't let Tinkles go rough.

Dennis and Winnie continued playing with Tinkles at the lobby while Mavis and Wanda had the chance to talk.

WANDA: How are you doing, honey?

MAVIS: I'm doing alright, Aunt Wanda. I don't know if Johnny is doing the same as well. I just hope that Batman finds his siblings and nephews fast.

WANDA: I hope he does, Mavis.

One of the hotel guests was watching the TV in the lobby and changes the channel to the news. Mavis and Wanda also watched the news.

REPORTER: This is Vicki Vale reporting for you life in front of this looking old castle called 'Arkham Asylum' where the masked vigilante known as 'The Batman' has found the missing monsters and the police have apprehended several of the militia soldiers.

Mavis gasped in delight knowing that the Loughrans have been rescued. Not only that, she was also relieved that all of the missing monsters have been found.

MAVIS: Holy Rabies! I can't that Batman found them all!

When Mavis got up from her chair, he quickly got her eye on Brett, Kent, Melly, Troy, Parker, and Connor entering the hotel to safety accompanied with Dracula and Martha.

BRETT, KENT, and MELLY: Hey, Mavis....

TROY, PARKER, CONNOR: Hi, aunt Mavis....

Mavis ran to the Loughrans and hugged them. Dennis also hugged his aunts and uncles and gave high fives to his cousins.

MAVIS: Thank goblins you're all alright! What happened back there?

MELLY: We were kidnapped by some sort a group of soldiers back at California and they took us to this old castle. Luckily Batman and Robin were there to save us.

BRETT: Uh, Drac. I hate to ask but.... is it okay if we stay here for awhile?

DRACULA: Oh, dear. Of course you can all stay here as long as you need!

MARTHA: We'll have the zombie staff prepare your room. All you need is to rest.

Kent went closer to Mavis and whispered something to her ear.

KENT: Uh, Mavis. Can ask you something? Who's the lady in black?

MAVIS: That's my mother. She's alive!

MELLY: Wait. Mavis, you're mother is alive this entire time? That's incredible! We're so happy for you!

MAVIS: Thanks, Melly. I'm just glad I've got both my parents in my afterlife.

Alfred came out from the elevator after he heard the good news. He quickly spotted his family and hugged them.

BRETT, KENT, and MELLY: Alfred!

ALFRED: Oh, thank heavens you're all alright! I was beginning to worry about you.

Johnny rushes down to the stairs and ran as fast as he can hugging his brothers and sisters.

Johnny kept crying while Brett kept patting his head to cheer him up.

BRETT: Hey, little bro. We missed you.

KENT and MELLY: Hi, Johnny.

JOHNNY: (*sobbing) You guys are alright....

Dracula, Martha, and Mavis smiled at Johnny finally reunited with his family.

MAVIS: He couldn't stop worrying about you guys all day and night.

MELLY: Don't worry, Johnny. We're not gonna leave you again.

Johnny and his siblings broke the hug while Troy, Parker, and Connor hugged him. Johnny hugged them back.

ALFRED: Well, it's been a rough night for all us tonight, I think it's best if we should let you rest in your respective rooms right now.

Alfred escorted Brett, Kent, Melly, Troy, Parker, and Connor into their rooms upstairs leaving Dracula, Martha, Mavis, and Johnny behind.

Mavis smiled at Johnny as she wrapped his arm.

MAVIS: I told you. Brett, Kent, Melly, and your nephews are safe and sound. You just have to trust me.

JOHNNY: That's why I love you, Mavis.

MAVIS: Aww...

Johnny smiled back and kissed Mavis passionately. Dracula and Martha smiled at the young couple's love to one another.

Later that night, Johnny went to the library at the restricted area reading a book about the history of Amadeus Arkham.

Richard followed and found him there sitting on a chair.

RICHARD: What are you doing here?

JOHNNY: I'm studying the history of Amadeus Arkham.

RICHARD: Amadeus Arkham? What made you came up with that idea?

JOHNNY: Wether it's true or not, there must be a connection between Amadeus and the Arkham Knight.

RICHARD: Like what?

JOHNNY: He might be the heir to Arkham. A distant relative of Amadeus, maybe. I don't know. As far as we're concerned, we don't know if the theory is true.

RICHARD: Huh.... Now to think of it, yeah maybe you're right. Especially if you look at his working relationship with Van Helsing. But what about the Knight's grudge against you if you never met him before?

JOHNNY: I can't explain that yet. It's either the Knight is a distant relative of Amadeus Arkham or someone is just using the 'Arkham' name.

Johnny puts the book back to the shelf and left the library with Richard.

To be continued....

Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

- Seriously, who do you guys think is the Arkham Knight?

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