Chapter 12: Rooftop Briefing

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At the Police Precinct's rooftop....
The bat signal was shining its light at the sky with Gordon holding a cigarette while waiting for Batman/Johnny.

After a few minutes of waiting, Batman/Johnny and Robin arrived.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: Enjoying the view?

GORDON: Hard to do these days. Sometimes I ask myself about what the hell I'm gonna do. These psychopaths are everywhere these days.

ROBIN: Uh... you know those things could kill you, right? Have you tried consider quitting?

GORDON: (*chuckle) Now you sound like my daughter, Barbara.

Gordon coughed a little which concerned Batman/Johnny and Robin. He threw away the cigarette and turned off the Bat signal.

GORDON: It's a good thing you two are here.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: Is it about the Riddler?

GORDON: Well, we can talk about that later. This new one is kinda bit of a problem. There has been kidnappings happening lately.

BATMAN: Kidnappings?

GORDON: Yeah. The victims were being kidnapped are all monsters.

ROBIN: Does the police officers have any lead or eye witnesses about the suspect?

GORDON: That's also one problem. Some of my officers were shot dead and injured trying to stop them. They say they were some sort of soldiers. Military perhaps.

ROBIN: Why would the military wanna hunt down monsters? They haven't done anything wrong?

GORDON: Oh and get this, they also stated that leading those Militia guys looked like Batman. Anyone you know?

BATMAN/JOHNNY: No. This is the first time I'm hearing about the kidnappings, Commissioner.

ROBIN: Wait, a Batman copycat? That's new.

GORDON: I've already sent my officers into patrol to find anymore missing monsters but with the Riddler still at large, I don't have enough men to hunt that evil bastard.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: If you find Riddler, tell your men not to engage. Me and Robin can take him down.

Gordon's walkie-talkie became active. He walked towards to a less crowded area leaving Batman/Johnny and Robin some time to talk.

ROBIN: What do you think?

BATMAN/JOHNNY: I don't like it. The kidnapping of monsters is what worries me. I don't want to worry Drac or Mavis back at the hotel.

ROBIN: What are you going to do?

BATMAN/JOHNNY: (*sigh) Right now our main objective is catching Riddler, after that we're investigating the missing monsters and who's ever behind this.

ROBIN: Good call. The quicker we find Riddler and the missing monsters, the better we clean up this mess.

Later on, Gordon came back to Batman/Johnny and Robin almost in panic.

GORDON: Damn it! My officers found have Riddler but he's taken hostages at the hospital with his armed men! We can't waste any time much longer!

BATMAN/JOHNNY: Don't divert any of your men, Gordon. Me and Robin can handle Riddler.

GORDON: I'll assemble all available officers I can! We'll meet you there!

Gordon quickly went back inside the precinct while both Batman and Robin used their grappling gun heading their way to the hospital, to the Riddler.

To be continued....

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