Chapter 88: Under Attack

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Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

(Background music)

Just outside the hotel lobby, the militia soldiers were vandalism the place causing some small fires. The Batmobile was at the bridge of the hotel ejecting Batman and Robin to attack the intruders.

 The Batmobile was at the bridge of the hotel ejecting Batman and Robin to attack the intruders

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(militia): The targets are here! It's Batman and Robin!

Batman and Robin started beating up the militia soldiers. Whenever they raised their guns, Batman and Robin would throw their Batarangs to make them drop their weapons.

Batman would land an uppercut punch below the militia's chin sending in the air while the Batmobile would fire non lethal rounds to knock them unconscious.

Batman would land an uppercut punch below the militia's chin sending in the air while the Batmobile would fire non lethal rounds to knock them unconscious

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Batman and Robin easily defeated the militia soldiers.

BATMAN: Still no signal coming from Alfred...

ROBIN: We're going to need more help for this.

BATMAN: Gordon and the police are just behind us. They'll be here soon.

Batman and Robin entered the lobby immediately without waisting any more time.

More militia soldiers are terrorizing the place. The Drac Pack and the Dracula family did their best to stop and fight back against the militia soldiers.

Meanwhile, Brett, Kent, Melly, Troy, Parker, Connor, Eunice, Wanda, the wolf pups, and the cowardly Klaus hid behind cover for their protection.

Batman and Robin joined the fight to assist the monsters on taking down the militia army and protect their family.

Once the coast was clear, Batman and Robin approached on the monster-human family if they were okay.

BATMAN: Is everyone alright?

FRANK: Don't worry. Nobody got hurt. We're lucky you got here in time.

BATMAN: What happened here?

VLAD: Van Helsing and his militia army just burst in the castle and started tearing down the place. We didn't expect them coming this sooner but we were able to evacuate the guests.

BATMAN: What about Drac or Mavis? I also couldn't get a signal from Alfred earlier. Are they alright?

MELLY: I'm so sorry, Johnny. But we haven't seen Drac, Mavis, Dennis, or Martha anywhere. I think the last place I saw Alfred was in the library.

ROBIN: We better get to him before the militia soldiers does.

BATMAN: No. I need you help them evacuate the rest of the guests. I'll find them.

As planned, Robin helped the monster-human family safely led the entire guests in their evacuation area while Batman went to find Alfred.

When Batman tried to open the entrance door of the library, it was blocked. Batman used the ventilation systems as his alternative way to the library.

Batman was at an high vantage where he could see the entire library was burning a bit with at least 8 armed militia soldiers.

On the ground taken hostage were Hank, Pedro, Wendy, Sophie, Charlotte, and Alfred all together with their heads down. Hank was a bit scared about fire surrounding them.

(militia): You're lying, old man.

ALFRED: That book was over 120 years old!

(militia): So what? Who wants some old books?

Batman stayed at his vantage point watching the militia soldiers threatening Alfred and Mavis' friends' lives while burning some old books trashing the place.

BATMAN: Dammit, Alfred.

Batman glides down to the ground and performed silent takedowns at the militia soldiers from behind. The militia soldiers were alerted when Batman performed a loud knockout smash at the 5th militia soldier.

(militia 1): What the hell was that!?

(militia 2): I don't know, but must've came from over there!

(militia 3): We'll check it out. Just stay here with the hostages.

One militia soldier stayed behind with Alfred and Mavis' friends while the rest of them checked on their fallen comrades.

While the militia soldier tried to wake up their colleagues, Batman threw his smoke bomb at them to disorient their sights. Batman took them all out within the smoke.

The last militia soldier was watching the hostages making sure they won't escape. Little did he know that he just standing below a gargoyle statue Batman was hanging.

Batman quickly performed an Inverted Takedown by grabbing the militia soldier and hang them upside down below the gargoyle.

HANK: So that's how he does it! He's using the gargoyles!

Batman drops down from the gargoyle and free everyone else.

WENDY: Jo... I mean, Batman! You're here!

BATMAN: Are you all okay?

ALFRED: We're all fine...

BATMAN: Where's Dracula and Mavis?

SOPHIE: Van Helsing attacked them early but we didn't know where they went ever since.

BATMAN: Dammit! Once I get you out of here, I'm going to find them.

ALFRED: Then you better remove the crest. It's blocking the exit!

Batman ran towards to the exit door and was able to remove the giant crest away with all of his strength.

BATMAN: This way! Quickly! And head to the evacuation area!

Batman opened the door to lead them to safety and activated the sprinklers to cool down the fire.

While everyone was already safe, Batman continued on finding Dracula, Martha, Mavis, and Dennis. He walked across the hallway and decided to try inside the ballroom.

To Batman's shock, he saw Dennis and Winnie all tied up on the floor and beside them was someone wearing an armored suit. Batman knew who this person was and shouted.

BATMAN: Adrian! Stop this now!

Adrian turns around and met Batman face to face.

PROMETHEUS: Oh, Johnathan. You came all the way here just to die....

To be continued.....

Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

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