Chapter 28: The Arkham Knight

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Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

Back into the action, Van Helsing and the militia forces had the Dracula family and Batman/Johnny completely surrounded

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Back into the action, Van Helsing and the militia forces had the Dracula family and Batman/Johnny completely surrounded. There were at least 14 militia soldiers that Batman/Johnny knocked out while the other 6 stayed close to Van Helsing's side.

Dracula, Martha, Mavis, and Dennis remained powerless from the Anti-Vampire darts that Van Helsing used on them. All Dracula could do is to protect his family while Batman/Johnny deals with Van Helsing.

MARTHA: (*whisper) Drac, we need to get out of here. I don't want that man getting Mavis and Dennis.

DRACULA: (*whisper) Martha, we're trapped here. We can't use our powers to fight back and Van Helsing's men are all over the place.

MARTHA: (*whisper) What are we going to do now?

DRACULA: (*whisper) I... I don't know, my darling. But I promise that I won't let them hurt any of you. Just stay close to me. Let's just hope Batman has a plan.

With all what's happening right now, Dennis has gotten scared and started to cry. Mavis glanced over at Dennis only to see the fear on his eyes.

Mavis tightly embraced Dennis closer to her and kissed him on the forehead.

MAVIS: (*whisper) Shh.... It's okay, sweetheart. Mommy's here. Everything's going to be alright just don't cry, okay?

DENNIS: (*sobbing) Mommy... I just wanna go home.

Mavis kissed Dennis on the forehead again and embracing him for comfort and protection.

Batman/Johnny looked behind at Dracula, Martha, Mavis, and Dennis and had that worried look for his family's safety.

Before anything could happen, 3 military helicopters appeared on the air. Another additional 5 armed men dropped down from the helicopters using a strong cable.

MILITIA SOLDIER 1: Air support is here!

MILITIA SOLDIER 2: We're on the ground! Go go!

MILITIA SOLDIER 3: Keep your weapons trained on the Batman all times!

All of the militia soldiers approached on Van Helsing's side and aimed their guns towards Batman/Johnny.

Another man dropped down on the ground using the strong cable from the helicopter but this man was very different from the other militia soldiers.

The man was donned a militaristic version of the Batsuit that mocked Batman/Johnny's appearance. He also wore a blue helmet visor that was similar to Batman/Johnny's cowl and a voice modulator/changer to conceal his identity. The helmet also had  short bat-ear antennas to communicate with his men.
The armored chest plate glowed dark blue as it had an 'A' symbol on it. There were also armored shoulder pads with the same 'A' logo on it. He also wore gauntlets for his combat. A utility belt that contained his other gadgets such as his smoke pellets, explosive grenades, stun grenades, loaded magazines for his pistols, and his grappling gun. He also had leg hostlers for his 2 military-grade hand pistol. His military uniform was a camouflage black, red and white. He wore armored boots and knee pads.

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