Chapter 14: To the Batcave

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Both Batman/Johnny, Robin, and Gordon reunited outside the hospital where the cops are detaining the thugs and the paramedics are taking care of the hostages.

GORDON: Riddler's goons in custody, not a bad result. All told.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: Are the hostages alright?

GORDON: They're fine. Paramedics are already looking at it now but....


ROBIN: It turns out that Riddler rounded up a few hostages before we got here. Must've been his backup plan.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: (*sigh) Damn it. How many were they?

GORDON: Riddler took 6 hostages, doctors and nurses. That lucky bastard slipped through our hands. What about you? Didn't you chased after him? What happened back there?

BATMAN/JOHNNY: Riddler got away but he gave me this puzzle.

Batman showed the box to Gordon that Riddler gave him earlier.

GORDON: Now what the hell is that thing?

BATMAN/JOHNNY: I don't know yet, but he said I have to solve it or people will get hurt.

GORDON: Well whatever that thing is, you better get on it.

A Police Officer then came up to Commisoner Gordon as he turned his back on Batman/Johnny and Robin.

POLICE OFFICER: Commissioner, the thugs are ready for transport.

GORDON: That's good to know, officer. I'll be there with you shortly, officer. All right Batman, I need you to...

As Gordon went back to the dynamic duo, they were already gone.

GORDON: (*sigh) Sure. Leave before I finish. Pff, that never gets old.

At the old Cartwright house/Alfred's house...
Underneath the house was where the Batcave is located. Batman/Johnny and Robin soon arrived with the Batmobile through the secret entrance.

As they exited the car, they can hear the bats screeching everywhere but they weren't bothered

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As they exited the car, they can hear the bats screeching everywhere but they weren't bothered. Johnny and Richard took off their masks except their suits and began working on the puzzle box.

RICHARD: Any idea what this is, Johnny?

JOHNNY: There are circuity inside but nothing obviously dangerous. The Batcomputer will be able to analyze it further.

The Batcomputer began analyzing the puzzle box and the result showed that no sign of threat occurred.

JOHNNY: No explosives detected. No radioactivity. Nothing dangerous at all, so far.

RICHARD: Take a closer look at the puzzle box. It looks like it has something to attach on to with it. What's that for?

JOHNNY: Hmph... I'm not sure what it is yet, but whatever this is could help us find the hostages. After we're done with Riddler, we're dealing with the missing monsters.

RICHARD: My theory is that Riddler could also be behind the kidnapping of the missing monsters.

JOHNNY: Well if it was Riddler who's been behind the missing monsters, he would've left us clues to find them. Gordon did say that the suspects were military experts and they're being led by a man who looks like me... I mean Batman.

RICHARD: Oh great. We've got another Batman jumping around rooftops. I won't be surprised if it was the Joker playing dress-ups.

JOHNNY: The Joker's been in custody for 9 months now. We won't be hearing from him for awhile.

RICHARD: I hope you're right. We've got enough problems to deal with.

They continued studying the puzzle box but Johnny's phone suddenly rang. He grabbed the phone to see who was calling him.

JOHNNY: It's Mavis. I better take this.

Johnny went somewhere else in the cave where he was all alone while Richard examines the machine.

JOHNNY: Hello.

MAVIS: Hi, Johnny. Where are you? I haven't seen you in the hotel. I'm a little worried.

JOHNNY: I'm alright, Mavy. I just bump into Richard and we talked for a little that's all. I thought you were already asleep.

MAVIS: I'm not actually. It's just me, Dennis, and Tinkles watching Cakie on TV. Mom and Dad are already asleep in their room.

JOHNNY: Don't worry. I'll be home soon. Me and Richard are just finishing up on something.

MAVIS: Okay. Just be careful coming home. I love you.

JOHNNY: Love you too, bye.

Johnny ended the call and continued working on the Riddler case. Minutes shortly, they decided to call it a night with Johnny coming back home to the hotel and Richard coming back home with his parents.

To be continued....

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