I suck with title names

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Ryan's pov:

Kenny boy stood there with a proud smile on his face that I wanted nothing more than to punch it right off. Keep it cool Ryan you have to get closer to him anyway. Just keep your cool.

"Well are you going to help me or not!" I said getting irritated with his stupid smile.

"Indeed I am Ryan but only if you say the magic word!.."

"No" I said. Who does he think he is?!?!?

"Do you want to stay out there all day?" He said smiling at my inconvenience. Where did this confidence come from?!?

"Ugh fine, pleasehelpmewitumycar. I said quickly."

Kenny boy  beamed with pride at this and looked at me and said
"alrighty let's take a looksee"

I rolled my eyes at this. What did Barbie even see in him. He was so annoying it made me want to puke. But I needed him for my plan to get with Barbie so I guess I'd just have to stick it out.

I was prepared to wait a while since if I couldn't do it how could ken. But it had only been 5 minutes when all of a sudden I heard


Dang that was fast, I was a little confused and suspicious but at least I got to leave. I then got into my car but just as I started the car the the tires popped off. My face started to turn red and I yelled


Kenny boy got pale and started to look nervous.

"Look I swear I don't know what happened." He said frantically.
"Maybe I should've just called a tow truck company or-"

"Ya think!! Now I'm stuck here with you for even longer!" I said angrily

Kenny boy then frantically said, "wait let's just call a tow truck and then you can leave!"

I sighed and said,

Ken dialed the number and his face dropped when he ended the call.

"They said they were closed and only available tomorrow morning." He said

"Nope. There's no way I'm staying here." I said bluntly. Me and Kenny boy hate each other there's no way I'll stay in the same house he's been in.

"Look pal I know you don't want to and I feel the same way! But you don't have an option so your just going to have to stay here for one night. My car is at the shop getting repaired so you don't have a option."

Saying I was angry was an understatement I was furious. But I kept my cool and agreed.

"Fine I'll stay but I get the best bed."

"Ugh fine deal." Kenny boy said.

Ryan & ken enemies to loversWhere stories live. Discover now