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ELLA DIDN'T KNOW WHAT had possessed her to run after someone who she wasn't even sure was Isis, especially because the girl despised her, but here she was, her hand on her roommate's wrist. None of Isis' usual snarls left her lips, instead a certain emptiness in her eyes as she looked at her. The sight of her bruises alone was enough for nothing else that had happened between them to matter for a second and Ella pulled her into their room.

"What are you doing?" Isis asked, voice devoid of any emotion.

She didn't know what she was doing. A big part of her wanted to ask the girl to sit down and let her take care of the wounds, to ask if she was alright, anything - but it wasn't her place to do so. The boundaries they had drawn around each other were so narrow she could barely breathe.

So she simply sat down on her bed, Isis watching her as she stayed there in silence, until she could find the words to speak.

"I asked you a question," Isis said, but she couldn't bring her usual venom in her voice," what is it?"

"I know this is selfish," Ella said," and that we are enemies or whatever, but is there anything I can do for you?" She sighed, shaking her head. "Shit, that sounds like such an incredibly useless question, I just wanted to say I'm here for you."

"Why would you be?" Isis said, laughing hollowly," is there some ulterior motive you have here, Martinez?"

"What ulterior motive could I possibly have for this?" Ella blinked.

"Like you said," Isis said, leaning her back against the wall," we're enemies. I can't see any motive for you wanting to help me either, after the fights we've had."

"About stupid high school drama," Ella frowned," this is something way more important than that, Isis."

She expected her roommate to shout something or lunge at her throat, not because of the words she had said, but because she always seemed ready to. The anger she carried like others did happiness, ready to be sharpened at a moment's notice. Though it hadn't been that long since Ella had gotten to know Isis, she hadn't seen the girl show a smile once. Honestly, she wasn't even sure if she could.

Isis didn't do anything though, her eyes weary as she sighed.

"Stupid high school drama, huh," she murmured, breathing the words out like smoke in the air.

Without another word she turned around, walking towards her bed and pulling out a box from underneath. The silence continued on as she took the bandages that were neatly rolled up in it and an icepack from their shared fridge, but Ella knew better than to break it. Isis had said nothing, but she knew that indirectly meant that although she was tolerating her presence at the moment, she would totally flip if Ella even got near.

When she looked out of the window she could see the field in the distance, some of the sight blocked by trees, small figures running around. Clarkson was probably ready to give her a sermon when she came back, but she didn't mind. His sermons always were funny anyway, especially because he absolutely didn't mean them to be.

"How's Levi?" Isis said suddenly, her gaze trained on her bed as she put the icepack wrapped in cloth on her swollen eye.

Well, this was awkward.

"He's alright," Ella said. She continued on after a second, voice clear. "If you want, I can call him here instead."

Isis looked up then, surprise coloring her expression.

"Why would you do that?" she said.

"I'm not saying your dependency on him is healthy or okay at all," Ella shrugged," but what's going on now isn't something I can speak on. You've known Levi for long and he..." It was difficult to say the words. Imagining a younger Levi with bruises always made her too angry to speak. "He will probably be more helpful than me."

Sinful (WICKED #2) | ✓Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt