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DESPITE BEING RELIEVED TO see Levi, Ella couldn't help but think he had come at the worst time possible. His eyes had lingered on her injuries and her bewildered look for one moment before pure fury had blinded him, his hands tightening around Kai's collar. Alex and Will had ran inside as well, both of them already having tackled someone, but it was Sebastian she was surprised to see. He closed the door before any of the men could run in the newfound chaos, an earsplitting grin on his face as he slowly cracked his knuckles.

"So," he said," which one of you bastards hurt my sister?"

Blood was dripping from Alex' brass knuckles as he grabbed a fistful of Carlo's hair, tugging hard to pull him closer. He and Sebastian were the only ones who were smiling, but there was no humor in their expressions at all.

"Who do we have here?" Alex drawled," a fool on the loose?"

"Why simply call him a fool?" Sebastian said, walking towards them," I would prefer saying he's an idiotic fucker who -"

"Hush, Seb," Alex frowned," Will is here, let's keep it PG-13."

Will, who had slammed his bat against the wall inches away from someone's ear, turned his head towards them, somehow still seeming innocent even with a trembling man falling to his knees in front of him.

"Did something happen?" he said.

"Nothing," Alex reassured him, pulling so hard at Carlo's head that the man lost balance and fell," Sebastian and I were just kidding around."

"Unfortunately for you I don't feel like joking anymore," Sebastian said to Carlo, the man staring at him in sheer terror as he lay on the floor.

"Neither do I," Levi said, a promise of violence bruising his voice," I may not have the money, but you'll be paid back in full tonight, that's for sure."

Kai simply stared at him, all his arrogance gone now he was in front of Levi. The tension had gone out of his whole body, fists unclenched, Levi clearly confused by his lack of anger. He came closer, silent threats in his eyes, but Kai evaded his gaze almost shamefully, like he didn't deserve to look at him for too long.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled.

"What?" Levi blinked, shaking his surprise off as he continued," you think an apology suffices after you kidnap Eleanora and hurt her? Even if you beg, the only way I'll let this go is if you all end up in the hospital and I never see you again."

Kai winced, slowly flicking his gaze back up towards Levi's again. "If that's what you want."

"Levi," Ella exclaimed, no longer able to watch silently as she grabbed his wrists," it's fine, let him go."

"What?" Levi said, glancing at her," did they say something to you? I swear to God, if they dared to blackmail you -"

"No, Levi, that's not it," she promised him, turning towards Kai," he's - Just don't hit him. He was saving me, not hurting me."

She stared at him, urging him to speak with her gaze, but all his courage seemed to have left him. He may have been able to handle a fight against multiple men with ease, but in front of his little brother all he seemed to have become was anxious. Kai's breath left him in a soft shudder, straightening his back as he stared back at Levi, turning his head to take a hit.

"It's fine," he said," I deserve it. Punch me. Do it."

Levi's confusion had reached it's peak as he looked from Kai to her and back, as if he half-expected the man to be joking. When he caught her injuries, his fists clenched again, jaw tensing, but he breathed it out before Ella could even stop him.

Sinful (WICKED #2) | ✓Where stories live. Discover now