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"REYAN, YOU CAN'T HAVE enemies," Sahar said," we talked about this."

"Father said I can," Reyan replied.

Alex, who was the subject of Reyan's glare, parted his lips in shock, placing an hand on his heart offendedly.

"I do not recall agreeing to become enemies with you," he said.

"I don't care if you agree," Reyan said," that's not how becoming enemies works."

"Rei!" Mia frowned," Alex didn't do anything wrong."

"Yeah, he did," Reyan said, not elaborating any further as he narrowed his eyes at Alex.

Levi stepped forward, cocking his head to the side as he called out to Reyan.

"If you're in such desperate need of an enemy," he said," I'm sure you can find one or two more if you keep staring."

"No, thank you," Reyan declined with a nod of his head," I am only allowed five enemies each month and my quota is full now. You can come back next week when I've decided whether I still hate Jerry the mailman."

"Jerry?" Sahar blinked," but he's so lovely. He always stops for a chat."

"Hence why I hate him," Reyan said.

Levi frowned and Ella could almost see the click in his mind as he decided Reyan was a good person. Sure, Levi's list of enemies was extensive and consisted of everyone who ever bothered him, but still, anyone who hated talking was a good person to him. For some reason his friends all looked like they were on drugs all the time though, so she wasn't sure what he decided to pick them on.

"You and Levi are the same in that aspect," Will chuckled, his voice easily clearing the air," he dislikes talking as well."

"You do?" Reyan said, slowly turning towards Levi.

Levi stared at him for a second, before nodding, everything feeling like a romantic scene somehow as they locked eyes.

"You don't seem like it," Reyan said then.

"You fucker -" Levi began, Reyan's gaze immediately snapping towards him in anger.

"Scratch that," he interrupted him," you've taken Jerry's place, chatterbox."

"Come here then," Levi said," I'll fuck you up until you can't run that mouth of yours anymore."

"Levi," Alex said, touched," I didn't know you cared for me that much."

"I don't, he made this personal," Levi said, before rolling his eyes as Alex broke out in fake sobs," Alex, Alexander, stop that, I was kidding, don't do this."

"Levi," Will said, eyes colored with worry," let's not fight, our host is right there."

"It's been a while since I've seen Rei show so much emotions," Sahar said, turning towards her son then," but you are not fighting, alright? This is a fundraiser, for the climate."

"I know," he said, glancing at his shoes," I'll keep myself from hitting that guy even though he gets on my nerves."

"You heard her," Will said, trying to pacify Levi like he was a wild animal," think of the climate."

"Why? Is the climate thinking about me?" Levi replied," where's the snow I want?"

"Gone because of climate change," Will said sadly.

He glanced at Ella for help then, but she simply placed a hand on Levi's cheek, smiling apologetically at Will.

"If he doesn't beat that man up, I will," she said, glancing back at Levi," the threats were quite hot."

Sinful (WICKED #2) | ✓Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt