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ISIS SEEMED LIKE SHE was ready to tackle her to the floor, something Ella wasn't that keen on. Honestly, she was pretty sure she could take the girl in a fight, so she wasn't that nervous about the way Isis withdrew her extended hand and let her long, sharp nails tap on her crossed arms. Rather than that she was quite confused, firstly because she wasn't even together with Levi and had already earned someone's wrath, secondly because this girl was too dramatic for no reason. So she shrugged in response, locking eyes with Isis when she spoke.

"Alright," she said slowly.

"Alright?" Isis said, her laugh as cold as snow," I thought Levi preferred his girls with more fire in them than this, but I suppose that changed."

"You're being too intense," Ella interrupted her before she could continue whatever speech she was about to hold," let's pause for a second, don't you have anything better to do than this?" She gestured at the school behind her, visible through the window. "And besides, shouldn't you be in class? Please don't tell me you decided to skip to wait for me in the dark like some kind of cheap villain."

Isis blinked, but she didn't seem that shaken by Ella's words. Instead her lips curled in a smile, as humorless as her laugh had been. "There it is," she sneered," careful, keeping that tone will get you in some real trouble around here. You're at St Joseph now."

"You just said you were going to make my life a living hell," Ella said as she leaned back on the bed, watching her new roommate amusedly," how am I going to make it worse than that?"

With a shake of her head Isis walked to her side of the room, placing herself down on her bed opposite Ella and watching her with barely concealed distaste.

"You're so fucking arrogant," she said," Levi deserves better than you, especially with all he's been through. I have seen the way you all treat him like a fun way to pass time and then leave when it gets rough - I won't let that happen to him again."

For a moment Ella wondered if they were talking about the same Levi. She knew he had had a rough childhood and though she was sure not everyone wanted or could shoulder the baggage that would bring, he never had asked anyone to. It wasn't like she knew everything about him of course, so she wouldn't dismiss it all, but Isis' whole monologue just sounded pretentious at best.

She could see from Isis' expression that the girl was waiting for a reply, almost looking satisfied at Ella's slow response, like she was testing her and already could see she would fail. Ella rose to her feet, alarming the girl at once, Isis' fists clenching like she was expecting her to pounce on her. Without paying too much attention to her reaction Ella walked towards the door, her hand resting on the doorknob.

"I won't pretend like I know Levi better than you do," Ella said she glanced over her shoulder at Isis," but from what I've seen he doesn't sound like the type to like it when people victimize him. Besides this whole thing, you do seem like a fun person." She looked at her full desk and the polaroids then, her new roommate smiling genuinely in all of them. "I mean, the code looks complicated and your side of the room is cute. So if you do decide to drop this whole crazy ex act, I'm all up for being friends."

Fury burned in Isis' eyes like stormy clouds, her whole body tense despite her calculating smile. Ella had tried to soften her message with her last sentences, but it seemed like those had fallen on deaf ears. Proving her point Isis compressed her anger in her voice, each word striking like lightning.

Sinful (WICKED #2) | ✓Where stories live. Discover now