The World You Left Forgot Your Name (Chapter Thirty Five)

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Rust climbs up towers of patchwork metal. Holes patched, barely; holding things together- crudely, and definitely not long-term, but enough.

Papyrus looks up, then down. He looks at his friends, watching as the mother instinct in Toriel flares as she pulls Frisk close. Watching as Asgore tucks himself toward Undyne, keeping her safe. Watching Alphys clasps at Undyne's hand.

He moves to the front of the group. Not really for any reason, but his friends seem to huddle and slow, where he feels no need to. He moves through the halls, easily maneuvering the laser puzzles and simple tile squares. It's second nature at this point; and he doesn't remember to question why.

Because of this, he ends up in front. And he gets there first. His feet move over the metal floor, boots dully, heavily clanging on the metal.

There's no static this time, or at least not anything unsettling. But there is a smoky smell, and a slight haze to the air, nothing he feels like he really has to worry about-

Something in his chest snags.
He stops just a step from a large metal piece, bolted down over the walkway. The white light from below it pulsates in a rhythm that feels almost uncomfortably familiar, beating in his chest like something alive-

He doesn't notice he's even moved until he sees it.

Zero is standing in front of the large pillar, his hand is pressed against the cool glass. He reaches out a single finger, and traces it over the edge, onto the rough, thick, stiff, tar-like material that has sealed the cracks.

"I'm kind of disappointed," Zero says without turning around. The crackling voice doesn't startle Papyrus, maybe because he was expecting it, maybe just because it's his.

Papyrus takes a step toward the man, to his friend. Metal clad arms cross and shadow long as he's haloed by the rusty, pulsing glow of the core.

Uninjured, but obviously tired.
He looks so tired.

Papyrus's hands clench, he swallows.

"I thought they'd at least try and keep better track of you," Zero says with a chuckle that barely sounds alive. He turns, and leans against the railing, or maybe against the darkness itself- and it holds.

Papyrus marches up toward him.

Zero takes a step back- he puts his hands up,

"hey, I didn't mean-"

Papyrus pulls him in tight, wrapping his arms around Zero.
Hugging him as firmly as he dares.

Something in the room hums and pulses with energy. The smoky smell gathers around them in grey ribbons that fold around them, tying them together.

"Uh.... Hey?" Zero says, his hands are still up, like he's afraid. Of what, Papyrus isn't sure.

It doesn't stop the guilt from rolling in his chest though. It doesn't stop the hissing blackness in his soul.

"I am so sorry," Papyrus says, his words are quiet. They aren't normal either. They fizz on his teeth and blur his mind.

He can feel his mouth slipping with that cold static language. But he doesn't know how else to do it. For some reason, it doesn't feel like any other language can quite communicate how he feels.

Zero's arms slowly, ever so slowly, fold down onto him.

Papyrus tucks the armored monster's head under his chin. Gloved hands slowly stroking over the metal plates and ridges of his armor.

A monitor chimes in the background, and Zero stiffens. Papyrus's eye sockets sting immediately.

A memory tugs at him.

He was a child again, trapped under the rubble.

The humans that had assaulted their base, their civilian, medical, outpost... he could still feel them there. Feel their souls and their anger. Smell their blood and decay and corpses.

Papyrus was silent. Young and tiny. Wrapped under metal-clad arms-

Zero's arms.

Papyrus could feel hot tears spilling down the curve of his cheekbones and clenched, trembling jaw.
He could feel Zero comforting him. But why was he crying? Why-

There was a body.

Papyrus could only see half his head, the rest of his body, skeletal, —another skeleton? But not Sans, he was too tall, to lanky and— covered in large chunks of rubble.

His skull was cracked open. A part of Papyrus wanted to throw up, another was in awe that the man hadn't dusted at such an injury.

But they were still there, trapped and waiting. Zero's magic buzzed with protection, a dark blue shield that hissed and popped, septic like an infected wound introduced to peroxide. But it was weakening; held up for hours, unable to give in to the tons of pressure building up above them, of metal and rebar and stone — the weight steadily taking it's toll on Zero's weakening reserve.

The monitor chimes somewhere beneath the heaps of metal and chunks of stone. Alerting them that humans are still there, and more are on their way.

But Zero doesn't stop.

He's determined.

Papyrus feels a gloved hand reach up across his cheek- gently wiping away the hot tears that had spilled down.

His knees knock, and gently, Zero leads him to the ground.

As they sit together, Papyrus looks at Zero. His entire body feels like it's pulled taught. His mind buzzes, like something in him is trying to fight off the memory, trying to pull him away from it.

Papyrus just smiles, and wipes the tears from his burning eyes.

"I do know you."

Zero doesn't move for a moment.

"You are... like me," Papyrus says.

Zero slowly, ever so slowly, nods.

Papyrus pulls off his gauntlet and the cotton glove beneath, leaving only long, pale bone.

And, after a long second, Zero pulls off the metal plates of his own. Leaving only the thin silk of his form-fitting gloves.
He doesn't move. Neither of them do, for a long moment.

But then Papyrus takes his hand. It's thin. Obviously the hand of a skeleton.

Zero's fingers, hell, his whole hand is rather significantly smaller than Papyrus's. There's dents and scars, tiny nicks in the bone that wrinkle the tight fabric, and Papyrus wants to put all his energy into studying them.

Instead he just clasps Zero's hand in his own.
The bones click as they fold together. Perfect. One.

Zero lets out a shaky exhale.

"Thank you," Papyrus says.

Zero looks up at him, everything about it is so soft, so care-taking and gentle.
 "...For what?"

"I suppose for showing me..." Papyrus mutters, choosing his words carefully — "That I'm not alone."

Papyrus smiles.

"That I have one monster I know I can trust."

Zero says nothing.

'Wrap it up, boys.' A buzzing voice whispers in both of their skulls. Neither one of them question it's familiar susurrate.
'They're almost here.'

They only help each other stand, and slip on their gauntlets.

They turn to the door, and face the crowd... together.


Ofc i can't just have a little drama in the LITERAL WAR, nah,,,, it's gotta be emotionally fraught too 

Hope y'all enjoy!!!!

Also if you wanna chip in on what questions Alphys asks Zero, submit them on my tumblr, over here:

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