What is Necessary (Chapter Thirty Nine)

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Zero doesn't like this; Gaster can feel it.

Impatience buzzes in his body, fuzzy between his creaking joints, humming against his skull like too-loud tv static. Twitching and itching and buzzing against his bones.

Gaster is not used to having bones anymore; it's an odd sensation.

In the void, he is... energy.
Transmutable, easily able to see everything going on in the timeline at any given moment. He exists outside it; peering in upon the mortal world as one might a particularly interesting fish in a tank.

Yet, even in a timeless void, one can get impatient when something is so totally useless, such as this.

It is simply a waste of time-

'It's necessary,' Zero's mind replies immediately, a mantra he seems dead-set on. And Gaster knows why.

Gaster huffs anyway.

"I understand you think so," Gaster says, "but I maintain my stance."

The shadow glances over the group. They're unsteady. Young.

"They are too young to understand,"—He twists back toward Zero, toward the monitors and the numbers—"they are only going to get in the way."

Zero doesn't do much to emote; he never has. Even Sans is normally more expressive, when he's not playing as Zero; and that says a lot.

'We need them.' Zero maintains, with a malaise-silkened chill.

Gaster doesn't reply, he doesn't feel the need to. Zero can feel through him, Zero knows why he feels the way he does.

So Gaster only leans away.

He's not going to force this issue. He tried earlier with the cave in. And after all, picking battles is a valuable skill — as will be evaluating what questions Zero's compatriots choose.

One question per person. An offering. An olive branch extended over a gaping, dangerous, jagged-rock filled chasm.

Predictably, nearly as soon as Zero offers information; Undyne buts in.

"How did you survive?" She asks immediately. Her words are brash, impulsive; but it's clear this is a question she feels is deeply important.

It's... not a bad choice; but not particularly creative. Gaster feels tempted to score them.

He gives Undyne's a four out of ten.

"We found your armor," Undyne says. "Whatever happened at the core, it took out Sans too. So how did you both survive?"

There's a second's pause, as Zero considers it.

Gaster watches closer.

"Remember my Special Attack?" Zero asks. It's a general answer, but he's staring at Undyne.

She seems to understand it.

"I used that," Zero says.

"But then why was your armor left behind?" She says.

Gaster's entire body prickles. He hates the way she's looking at them. Like they're something below her. Like they owe her an explanation.

'We owe her nothing,' Gaster mutters. He can feel Zero's agreement, burning deep in his chest. Zero doesn't say anything though. He lets Undyne step closer. Lets her sharp movements and wide stance purvey like she's in charge. Lets her keep talking.

It's irritating.

They'd had killed for less.

The thought feels like a match striking; an immediate shockwave. Ignition of something within him-

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