Bonds of Truth and LoVe (Chapter Twenty One)

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Undyne gave a brief, but thorough explanation of the rest of what had happened on the way. Their steps were ambling in the echoing, grey-green darkness of the lab. It felt... stagnant and old, somehow, even older than the last time they'd been down here. Even though that had only been hours prior.
It was as if it had aged all on it's own. Cracks in the walls and drippy faucets rusting in hours, whereas such decay should have taken days.

But in the patter, the anxiety, it was... unnoticed. Mostly.

They shuffled toward the dark room.

Alphys entered first, only to stutter-step backward with a sharp gasp.

"Z-Zero?!" Alphys exclaimed, shocked to a stand still.

There, in the grey darkness, sitting by Papyrus's bedside, was Zero.
He seemed... unharmed.

 "Y-You're awake!!" Alphys exclaimed, "oh m-my gosh. W-When did you w-wake up? Wh-why didn't y-you come t-tell me?! W-We've been s-so worried, I-" Alphys rambled, her litany of questions falling flat as Zero didn't even really turn to face them.
Still watching over Papyrus with a plaintive gaze.

"W-We... should- I..." Alphys swallowed awkwardly.

Zero did nothing to fill the silence; barely even acknowledging their presence.

The stagnant, damp, musky air fell tense and tight between them.

It was clear that Zero was not happy.

"I... n-need to get s-some equipment." Alphys exclaimed suddenly, doing her best to alleviate the cumbersome and unpleasant feeling.

Alphys moved to leave, but Undyne kept a sharp hold on her wrist.

"Alph, wait-" Undyne tried.

Alphys sent her girlfriend a pleading look. Pleading to not force her to do this; not right now.

Guiltily, Undyne acquiesced. Though quickly following behind her girlfriend.

Frisk moved to follow, but paused.

Toriel looked at them, and nodded, smiling.

Frisk smiled too, and ran to catch up. Determined to figure out what exactly was going on.

Toriel was about to follow, when a voice startled her from her smile.

"I'm sorry," Zero whispered. His voice hoarse and low.

The armored stranger looked up. And a pang struck Toriel's chest.
A feeling, a memory, that only grew, the longer their eyes locked.

"You..." Toriel muttered, her eyes wide with shock, but twinkling with a feeling; like loss.

"You're..." Toriel whispered, bringing a hand to her mouth. Concealing a gasp, concealing what was only beginning to dawn on her.

A feeling filled her, like an oath given on a dying breath.
A bond, that was... here again.
Life, death, companionship, and renewal.

Zero looked at her, and, in a fashion so unlike him, his breathing stuttered.
Hands lifting only inches from his lap, then tightening, grasping low at the air that was ever so still.

Yearning, yet reluctant.

Zero was unable to do much more than stare at the woman, a memory, silhouetted in light from the doorway.

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