Same Old War (Chapter Forty Five)

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It takes a long time. Parsing out, filling each other in on all that had happened in the last several days.

Undyne tells them of the greyed-out anomalies.
Alphys, of what she'd seen on the cams, and Sans' cryptic phone call.
Asgore goes over his run to the surface; the confrontation with the human and how humans as a whole definitely knew of their presence.
Toriel tells them the state of the evacuation to the Ruins.
Frisk, on everything they knew about the sickness and its symptoms, as well as—at Asgore's prod— how they've been feeling since their faint.

Then they all move on to some basic planning. Covering the past, letting that give them guidance on planning for their future.

For this, Asgore immediately turns to Zero.

"When it comes to a battle front, a good offense is the only option as our defense," Zero says solidly.

"Maybe it's just me; but I'd rather be pulling the trigger than in front of the barrel," Zero shrugs.
"Call it a personal preference."

Undyne nods along, sharp and professional.

And Toriel, despite herself and with obvious distain, nods. They all agree for another decree to be sent out. All available royal guardsman to be moved to the barracks in case of any... surprises. Using what they could to strengthen their defenses. Giving them a more actionable path and less down-time, in case the humans have any surprises up their sleeves.

This also means there would be less guardsmen able to help at the Ruins though.

"There's still the matter of the sickness though," Toriel says, running a padded paw up her face, ruffing her fur in the wrong direction before soothing it back, the expression softening and aging her in equal measure.

"Without the guards, there's gonna be a lot less hands to help in care," Zero agrees thoughtfully. "Which bumps up the priority for any kind of remedy."

"It's been spreading through the refugees like wildfire," Frisk says quickly, turning toward Alphys, "it's why we came to get you."

"The illness itself does not seem too bad, it has yet to do more then bed-rid," Toriel says, assuaging Alphys's immediate worry, "but it seems quite seriously infectious."

"Mettaton has been quite the dear in helping out and entertaining monsters to keep their minds off it all... but enough I'd like Dr. Alphys to take a look. A monster's soul and their emotions tangle quite thoroughly, and I will not have monsters losing unnecessary HOPE." Toriel says regally; only seconds later seeming to catch herself.

"If, um, if Dr. Alphys could be persuaded, that is?"

"I-I'd be happy t-too, really," Alphys says quickly. Her claws knit together though. A creak resounds through the Core, deep and old as it is.

Her shoulders tense with the noise.

"B-But, the C-Core is unstable a-a-as it is. I-I really need to keep an e-eye on it. S-Sans and Zero have been i-invaluable, k-keeping it r-running, b-but..."

"I-I can't..."

"What if about Sans and I handle the core then?" Zero offers; seeming to really realize what he said seconds later-

The entire group twists to look at him, before breaking out in an astonished chorus of:


Zero takes a step back, hands up, at the wave of sound.
He lets out a nervous chuckle, which comes out as almost a cough.

"I mean-"

"I'm game," Undyne says, shrugging.

"Huh?!" The entire group choruses again.

"Al," Undyne says, kneeling down to her girlfriend's level, playing a hand on her shoulder, "you're one of the best healers I've ever known. Plus you've got a great head on your shoulders." She smiles gently.

"They need you. And..." —she pinches her brow—"if everything I've heard is true, Sans has all the credentials to take over for ya while you're gone. At least for a little while."

"B-But S-Sans left for a reason. I-I don't even k-know why! I... I don't even know if he'd agree to s-such a.. a-"

"He will," Papyrus says softly, seeming surrealistically sure, yet comfortably forlorn at the same time.
"My brother is not the kind to turn a blind eye to those in need," he reasoned.

Toriel nods.

"I must concur." Asgore smiles, "you and Tori- Toriel," Asgore quickly corrects himself.
"You are the best healers the Underground has," he says warmly.

"And, as Zero has wisely stated, strategically speaking, we need as many soldiers as we can get for our defensive line."

Zero nods, folding his arms.
"I get you think highly of him, but... Sans is pretty useless when it comes to healing magic."

"It's a field for which I think you're extremely gifted, Dr. Alphys," Zero says, and if Undyne didn't know better, she would have thought his tone was almost edging on warm. Fond, even.

"T-Thank you, I-I, um..." Alphys says with an appreciative flush to her cheeks.

"S-Still... I'm n-not sure it's a god idea t-to leave the core on in this state. A-And to d-do the necessary repairs w-we'd probably have to shut it d-down..."

Asgore waves his hand.
"I am sure those who are healthy can last a few days, even weeks without power. We can survive," Asgore cements, patting her gently on the shoulder.

"But we must ensure that those weaker than us get the care they require."

Asgore smiles.
"Go where you are needed, Dr. Alphys. If there are any changes, we will be sure to bring word."

"O-Okay," Alphys finally agrees.

"I-If you g-guys are sure, a-and Zero.. if y-you think you and S-Sans can... can maybe w-work on things while I'm g-gone..."

"B-But I'm not going to l-leave this e-entirely to him."
Alphys says, solid.

"No matter the state of the sickness. I w-will be back in a few days."

"Of course," Zero reasons,  "it is your position after all."

"Yeah!" Undyne cheers, "and don't worry Al, I'll keep a close eye on that bonehead."

"T-Thanks U-Undyne," Alphys says.

With a nod, and a simple agreement; they all depart for their various assignments.

All while the human souls on the monitor only grow nearer.

The pixelated counter in the corner reads:
'aprox time for atk: 48 hours'

Two days.

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