What Changes, What Stays (Chapter Forty Four)

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Eyes shift toward Asgore.

He's thoughtful; conflicted. It's a well worn expression on him.

The pinch in his brow is practically creased into his fur, folded like paper, like a book that's been dog-eared on nearly every page. Far too much to have memorized, but unwilling to let anything go.

"We're about to be at war," Asgore says finally.

"Again," Zero corrects.

"At war again."

Because he won't let it be overwritten, he won't act as if the first war were ancient history.

Asgore nods. The motion is slow and solemn, connected to the grave implications; to the graves and the dust left behind by the last war.

"My question is simple, I suppose," Asgore says. There's a moment there, in the way he tilts his head, or maybe just the heaviness of his eyes. A moment where Asgore is looking at Zero, really fully looking at him, the way nobody else there could. The kind of look that steeps with history. The kind of look that feels like yearning. Like Love, of all kinds.

"Guardsman Zero," Asgore addresses, his tone is regal and deep. His shoulders strong, like they're weighed down with the whole world.

"Do I sustain your council?"

"What?" Zero asks. His entire body a clean arc. Startled stiff.

"My question," Asgore says, only slightly softer; his chest is still puffed. The golden plates on his armor glint, the delta rune on his chest shining in the monitors light.

"I wish to know if you plan to stay, as you were in the first war."

"To help guide, to aide me in giving direction in this uncertain time."

"I..." Zero says slowly, almost... confused?

"I know it's a lot to ask," Asgore prefaces, "And I-"

Zero shakes his head, and Asgore stops.

"That can't be your actual question," Zero says; almost like he's holding in a laugh.

Asgore blinks, brow furrowed.

Zero looks up, smiling. A real smile that warms the whole room like a welcome campfire.

"Of course you keep my council."

"Why would you use your question on something like that?" Zero says with a heart-felt laugh.

"Well..." Asgore says, awkwardly laughing despite himself. Lifting a hand to scratch at his beard.

"I... despite your reaction, it is not a foregone conclusion, my friend," Asgore says more seriously.

"The war council, the Golden Flower Guard; they do not exist," Asgore says.

"You have no official ties to me anymore."

"It's not as though I can simply gather them up and reform everything either," Asgore says.

"Eh," Zero shrugs casually. "Not much 'good advice' that can come from'a room full of urns and empty armor anyway."

The whole room goes stiff- and Asgore lets out a mournful hum.

It was easy to forget, after all, just how many had been lost; in a war that, to everyone else, felt so long ago.

Toriel's shoulders tense.

Thankfully, Zero moves on quick enough.

"But I'm not the only council member still kicking," Zero says with a wave of his hand, "Gerson's still about in waterfall, I'm sure he could be called upon for a bit of advice. Grillby's at that bar of his no doubt."

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