Subjective Truth (Chapter Thirty)

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Somehow, the daylight was cold. Almost somniferous in it's hazy glow.

In all logic, it shouldn't've been anything but warm. Dawning sun shining gold and warm through the windows of the room Asgore had led them too; a room filled with soft colors and softer textures.
It was a simple tea room, small off-white walls lined with the dark wood of semi-full bookshelves, with two royal purple couches faced each other in the center, surrounding a small dark wood coffee-table in the center. There were plenty of blankets and pillows too.

And yet, it was cold.

"Please make yourselves comfortable, everyone," Asgore said, gently gesturing into the soft space. Allowing the small group to pass him as he stood to the side of the doorframe. The group vaguely all taking seats on the sofas in a rather expected order. Alphys next to Undyne, Toriel next to Frisk, Papyrus next to Sans, and...

Asgore still standing.

"I... shall go make us some tea," Asgore said gently, fiddling slightly with his hands as he spoke; already turning tail.

"I'll join ya," Sans said lazily, hopping off the couch easily and standing.

"M-ME TOO THEN!" Papyrus exclaimed, popping up out of the seat with a rigid alarm that Sans was unused too.

Alphys, who had just finished awkwardly shimmying next to her girlfriend, couldn't hold in her small smile at the gesture; the two brothers were so close. It was understandable that after thinking his brother was dead, Papyrus might get a tad... Attached.

"No, my friends," Asgore said with a smile and a shake of his head. Placing a large paw on Sans' shoulder, the hand so large and warm it basically enveloped his entire shoulder.

"I shall be only a moment. Please, get comfortable," he said with a gesture to the couches, blankets and pillows, and then, in a lower tone:

"I feel this may be a rather long conversation."

And with that, the room was cold again.
And Asgore left.

Sans turned back toward the group, ignoring Undyne's impenitent tapping foot, smiling gently at Alphys's unease. Doing his best to calm his nerves at Toriel's softly curious stare, barely glancing over to Frisk's guilt-ridden expression, and saying nothing at all about the ink-like shadow in the corner of the room. Watching. Waiting.

"BROTHER?" Papyrus asked, making Sans realize his brother was waiting for him to take a seat.


Sans smiled easily to his brother, and moved over to his seat. His brother moving in even time with him.

"I'm all good bro," Sans said, hopping up onto the couch and shuffling backwards. Papyrus sat down next to him, closely. Still tense, but easier now with Sans at his side.

Gaster's inky form twitched in the shadows, making similar observations and leaning against the wall.

"I wonder how he's going to be when you have to go back to playing 'Zero',"  Gaster said.

Sans shot him a small glare. Gritting his smiling teeth.

"What? You know that I'm right,"  Gaster said snootily.

He was right, of course he was. But being correct about things had never been a good look on Gaster. He was far too cocky about it.

"If Zero doesn't reappear soon, they may very well presume him dead. And how exactly do you plan to 'disappear' with your brother clinging to your side?"

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