Chapter 16

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Calculating eyes watch as I slowly bend down and pick up the painting from the ground. The handmaid had thrown it at my feet. How could the Empress Dowager be made to lay eyes on something so horrendous?

I take a look for myself at the ruined work. Ah, I can no longer make out the serene landscape. Strong, messy ebony strokes have washed over the painting, like stones plunging into a pond formally at ease, its surface no longer glossy and clear as harsh ripples take over the reflective landscape.

There's no time to dwindle over who is responsible. I have no proof to present; this mess is pointed towards me. How do I salvage this situation? The landscape is unrecognizable, and the character it is supposed to represent is distorted in black. There is no erasing. The spilled ink is permanent.

"Concubine Zhao..." the Empress Dowager draws out, "what do you have to say for yourself?"

Lowering my head would induce joy and satisfaction from the harem; it is an admission of defeat.

I lower my head. And bow.

"Forgive me, Empress Dowager, but this painting is not finished." Best to make them think that this ruination is intentional.

"That much is evident, Concubine Zhao" Imperial Noble Consort Li's voice rings through the banquet hall for the first time. A voice that seems part of a distant memory — it is heard so rarely.

She seems genuinely concerned and confused about why I would present an unfinished piece. Or she is just confused as to where I am getting at and is speeding up the process by edging me on.

"I have a good reason."


"I prepared a live painting show for your majesty."

Honestly, I was just spouting out words. Painting live? How in the world am I to accomplish that? There has to be an element of trickery for an audience to approve that it is a good show.

And I do not know the trickeries of a live painter.

Well, I do not see how else to salvage this situation. I suppose I can only put my skills to the test.

"Concubine Zhao... it is not wise to waste our time, let us move on. The painting is obviously unsalvageable; the ink is permanent," Imperial Noble Consort Li recedes, seeing through my facade, knowing that I am just hanging by the thick of my skin.

"I will be conjuring a new image out of old," I direct a smile and her, refusing to admit defeat. I look at Empress Dowager for approval, and she nods. I turn and walk towards the table that has been set up - center stage.

Ink and brush are waiting for me, neatly and patiently placed, ready to be ruined by my hands.

I dip the point of the brush in ebony ink, pause, my eyes trace the painting, finding the old lines to create the new.

There needs to be a purpose. The intended piece was a mountain landscape with Chinese characters weaving through, wishing the Empress Dowager a long life. The product must be more memorable than the ruined one before me. Or there's no point in putting on this extravagant show.

I suddenly am aware that the ink is unusually thin... ground so thoroughly and meticulously that it's as watery as the ripples of ebony ink that stain the painting.

I dunk the brush further into the ink, the black pool swallowing the white hairs whole.

Gasps amongst the crowd.

What I am about to do will be made into a mockery... but I'm going to do it anyway. You won't know until you try, right? Gosh, my stupidity has reached a new level.

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