Chapter 2

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"I can't believe your leaving today!" Ruyi yells, running to me with her arms out.

"I still can't believe it" I gloomily reply, taking her embrace as she practically crushes me.

Squeezing me once more, she pulls away and stares straight into my eyes, with her hands still on my shoulders.

"Listen to me Xiulan, your going to to be fine. You are stronger than you think, and you'll be back before you know it. I believe in you."

Smiling, I nod my head, still staring into her eyes.
Ruyi's family moved to our village when I was five. The other kids stayed away from her due to fright of her unusual eye color, however I took an interest to her because I've never seen someone with such an exotic eye color. The day they moved in, my mother baked a peach pie for our new neighbors and told me to go and bring it to them. When I knocked on their door, I was greeted by a blue eyed girl about my age, she timidly thanked me for the pie and invited me in to help prepare dinner. From that day forward, we were stuck together like glue. The adults of the village gossiped about how Ruyi was a bad omen, and how her bright blue eyes was a danger for the village. But no one dared to say anything to their faces because unlike most families of the village, they were pretty well off.

"Listen, I have a friend in the palace. His name is Liuyang and he can protect you. Just tell him that your friends with me." she whispers lowly, handing me a folded piece of paper.

I hesitantly unfold it, revealing a red stamp of a wolfs head. This stamp... I've seen it before.
I look back up to her, my eyes questioning the purpose of giving me this paper.

"It's General Sun's seal, he's my second uncle. Our other relatives no longer recognize us as family after a fall out except him."
She whispers, so quiet as if her words could create utter chaos.

I had many questions swirling around in my head, General Sun was known to be the Emperor's right hand man during the war, and another cold blooded killer. However I decided not to voice them as I could see this was a tough subject for her. "Thank you, Ruyi."

Her clear blue eyes dart up and focus behind me before looking back at me again and giving me one last hug.
We squeeze each other tightly, not having to say a word as our emotions are shown clear as day. As a tear slides down my cheek, I hear the distant sound of about five horses nearing where we and the ten other girls stood.

Squeezing Ruyi once more, I let go and focus behind her, on my mother.

"My precious little girl" she sobs as I near her.

"Mother you didn't have to get up, I know it's early in the morning."
When I got up this morning, Mother was still sleeping so I didn't want to disturb her. She has enough on her plate already, especially since I'll be gone for a while, she deserved a good nights sleep. So instead, I left a note on the kitchen countertop saying my farewells.

"Nonsense, of course I have to see you off. Did you expect me to sit idly at home not even being able to bid you goodbye?"

I chuckle at my mothers scolding and with arms wide, embrace her in a tight hug.

"Be careful my child, the palace is a dangerous place. Rely on no one but yourself."

I nod my head a hug her tighter. "I love you Mother."
At this point, tears were streaming down my face, and they only increased as time went on.

"I love you too Xiulan, so much."

Just as she says those words, my senses seem to come back. My ears focus on the horse galloping, getting louder and more thunderous before suddenly stopping. Knowing that my ride to the palace has arrived I pull away from Mother and place a kiss her on her cheek before turning to Ruyi and giving her one last hug.

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