Chapter 13

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A longer chapter for the long period of time you all had to wait.

"Greetings to Imperial Concubine Zhao" Linghua bows her head, hands clasped together in front of her with elbows pointing out. Her voice is deeper than when we first met, and if one didn't know her true identity, they would undoubtedly believe she is a man. Of course, she has also dressed the part. She is wearing a black robe with detailed gold and jaded patterns embroidered on the silk. A long beaded necklace hangs dangling around her neck, and a red conical hat rests on her head. Her dark hair is braided behind her like a man's as well. However, knowing what I know, I could notice a subtle touch of feminity in her voice.

"No need for formalities... Lord Liuyang," I reply, gesturing to the cushioned seat for her to sit. I decided not to address her as Linghua or make any mistake of revealing her identity as I doubt many people know her secret, and she would probably want to keep it that way. Furthermore, she came to me as Liuyang, not Linghua, for a reason.

"May I ask the reason for your visit?" I ask, genuinely puzzled.

Her expression remains stoic, and her lips pull into a tight purse, very unlike the bubbly and animated girl I met two weeks ago. "Her Highness Empress Dowager assigned me to Angelica Wisteria Palace as your personal guard for the remainder of the day," she replies, her tone detached. 

"What for? Do the consorts have guards as well?" I question, discerning the primary reason for her visit as soon as the Empress Dowager was mentioned.

Confusion makes route to the outlines of her features, though it was gone the next second. She looks apprehensive as she resolves, "No... I am here in case of any... casualties amongst the harem", almost as if she was doubtful of revealing too much of her master's worries.

The Empress Dowager had precautions. She knew that the only harm that could possibly come to me would be from the consorts schemes. After all, where better to frame the Phoenix than the Empress Dowagers birthday gathering with high lords and nobles of the court as witnesses? It is slightly comforting to know that she holds skepticism against the consorts, Lord Liuyang's visit proves this. Her subtle actions give me protection, making it difficult for Imperial Noble Consort Li and Consort Qin to slander my name.

Even so, I am not immune. The Empress Dowagers protection only goes so far. I still have to rely on myself. My mother's warnings surface to the front of my mind. 'The palace is a dangerous place. Rely on no one but yourself.' Since I arrived in the palace, I have been trusting, yes, but I've also been cautious, I have never fully let my guard down.

"Lord Liuyang, I hope you do not mind that you are not the only visitor today. Noble Consort Hua plans to make her arrival soon," I inform her colloquially, not giving much thought to it.

Her eyes appear to widen a fraction as discomfort emerges in her features, and with it, nervousness? "Noble Consort Hua will be the coming here?" she questions.

"Yes, she-"

"Noble Consort Hua has arrived!" a servant announces outside before I can finish my reply.

As soon as her feminine figure draped in snow-white silk steps in the threshold, the lord and I step down from our seats to recite our respective greetings.

"Chenqie greets Noble Consort Hua," I curtsy with my hand raised, palm facing her in show of respect.

"This lord greets Noble Consort Hua, " Linghua bows as she did for me earlier.

"Please, rise."

I notice Noble Consort Hua's brow rise at the sight of Linghua.

"Lord Liuyang, we meet again. I did not expect to see you here," Noble Consort Hua says directly to the lord. I don't miss the subtle accusery in her tone.

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