Chapter 11

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"Chen qie greets Imperial Noble Consort Li"

Although my eyes were focused on the ground, I could feel her sharp gaze piercing through me, almost as a warning to who has the power here.

"Nonsense, raise your head. I cannot have the Phoenix bowing her head to me, can I?" her honeyed voice rang through the room. To those who don't have any idea of her capabilities, she does indeed sound sweet and gentle, like a joyful canary whose tunes one could listen to all day. She looks like it too, with lips pulled into a soft smile that give the corners of her eyes a small lift of laughter and happiness. I suppose I should be among those naive to danger as well; I mean, I haven't stood against her yet. Still, though it is hard to detect, the way her ebony eyes occasionally gleam in amused bitterness, tells me that she is quite the opposite of what she leads me to believe.

I can see her mind calculating as she stares at me with raised eyebrows and that sickly smile that seems sweet to others.

"Forgive me, sisters; I was held up on my way here. The palace is quite the maze," I exhale a slight laugh, becoming conscious of the other pair of eyes on me, Consort Qin.

I slowly walk over to the dark oak semi throne on Consort Qins left, as instructed previously. As I sit down, I hear Consort Qin snicker in distaste, making me turn my head her way.

"You are quite bold, Concubine Zhao. Naming us consorts as your sisters, how pompous you must be to feel as if you are as dignified as a consort. Simply look at your dress wear," she tips her chin up to prove her point further.

Deciding that it isn't the time to start something, I simply smile at her, doing my best to act naive. "Consort Qin does not accept my offer of friendship?" I ask with a slightly saddened tone, seemingly catching her off guard.

"Friendship? No, of course not, I would not want to be friends with some-" she huffs angrily before being cut off by Imperial Noble Consort Li.

"Consort Qin" Imperial Noble Consort Li warns, though not enough to sound like a lethal threat, more of interruption, so whatever she has planned isn't ruined. "We are all sisters here, the palace can get quite lonely without companions," she smiles at me, her tone conciliatory. Though, the slight gleam in her vague eyes revealed that she wasn't all that earnest. I knew she really wanted the opposite; she wanted me gone.

An innocent smile makes it's way to my lips as I stare back at her. "Thank you, Imperial Noble Consort Li for your kindness, " I acclaim, bowing my head slightly.

She smiles and nods her head, but her eyes shown slight confusion and pretension. She shifts her gaze to Noble Consort Hua. "Noble Consort Hua, you have been quiet, although it is in your nature. Even so, do you not want to greet our guest?" she said, using the word guest as if saying I won't be staying long. She was getting impatient. I suppose she expected more from me, a larger threat from me.

Noble Consort Hua smiles softly at me and nods her head slightly. "Concubine Zhao, I am honored to be in the presence of the Phoenix" she says, her tone genuine. Still, she remained guarded as she spoke, not because of me, but because of the consorts. I realized that she probably remains silent during these gatherings, only speaking when it is needed. This approach, although seems smart, may to do more harm than good. A silent person is always unpredictable, as words cannot be used to figure them out. It is why the other consorts are so wary of her, it is why they feel that she is such a large threat to them. It is human nature to want to be in control, and they have none over her because they never know what she is thinking.

But I need them to think they've figured me out. I need them to think I'm someone else, an innocent and naive village girl who knows nothing. A girl who only thinks about rainbows and bunnies all day -- someone that they can easily get rid of.

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