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[Disclaimer: This work is only published on watt/pad under profile: itsrujihere. The complete rights of the work: Allea belongs under this profile and Ruji. If you're reading [Allea] on some platform other than watt/pad(Unless I, Ruji, say so) then, I'm pretty sure they are stealing my work (i.e, a site that starts with novel), please don't support the thief.]

After checking the reports sent by Nayla and Ben of the current progress of the company, a smile graced my lips, feeling grateful that I have such competent people that work alongside me. A sigh of relief flowed through me thinking that Kai will face no difficulties if these are the people who will also be assisting my brother.

Thinking of that little rocket, if I have to quote Jackson, then Kai sure launched. I still remember the silent stare he gave me, his childish face was devoid of any emotions, no matter how much I wanted to laugh at seeing him like this, I had to control my desire because I know what I informed him has truly distressed him.

Well, as much as it saddened Kai, I was no better but a relief that Jackson was there with him, gave me the courage to stay.

My eyes moved toward wall-clock, showing eleven in the night, my gaze involuntarily drifted toward the glass window of the office and the prevailed darkness of night welcomed my sight. Seeing this, I shut down the desktop and prepared to leave, as I stood up, peering toward the table Callender. 

My steps halted seeing today's date as I realized something; today marks the two weeks since I landed in Gaborone (Botswana), a smile graced my lips and I resumed walking.

As I left the deserted building, I headed toward my permanent apartment here, which is just a ten minutes walk away.

After reaching here, when I came to face the in-depth information of the matter of the organization, I realized how much vulnerable the situation is. Although Mr. Salvadge did his work but seeing that he has stepped down and things have fallen into my hands, those people who we have been fighting against, started showing their reluctance. One wrong step and the rare opportunity we have to provide freedom to all that animals would have left our hands. I realized that I no longer can step away, I have to firm my stance this time, I can't put an excuse that I don't have time. This is my responsibility, I have to carry this on my shoulders from here, and I did.

That's when I made the decision of not returning to Manhattan and giving one and a half months to the organization and staying here in Gaborone.

With the support of other organizations and the involvement of the local council of Gaborone, we have been able to settle things on time, and that's what I have been doing for the past two weeks here. Two to three days later, we will start touring around the sanctuaries, to supervise the changes for the comfort and settlement of forthcoming animals.

When I made the decision of staying here, I first called Kai, I was relieved when after throwing some fit, he understood that I really have to be here and didn't pester me much except for forcing me to keep my promise of calling him often.

And Jackson, well, he's another story altogether.

That old man has even started packing his bags, to leave the moment I will land there but hearing my another request, he sure made my ear bleed with all his yelling. I deserved it though, so I heard it diligently when he didn't seem to end his scolding any time soon, I had to cut the call.

When I called the next day, till then Jackosn was comparably cooled down and digested my words but was still moody and reluctantly complied.

Reaching the apartment, opening the door I stepped inside, a relieved breath escaped my lips as the coldness of the apartment hit me, contrary to the warm weather outside. Removing my coat and throwing it toward the couch, I walked toward the kitchen and my gaze fell on the cooked food. Just an hour ago I had my dinner delivered at the office, so I put the food cooked by the helper in the fridge and headed to shower.

When the cold water hit my skin, the refreshing feeling enveloped me, for a second making me forget the hot weather of Gaborone. Ah, the scorching weather is yet to hit, as we will soon start visiting the sanctuaries under the burning sun, with this thought it's making me enjoy this momentary coldness to its full extent.

Walking out of the long shower and changing into comfortable clothes, I headed toward the kitchen to prepare myself a glass of lukewarm milk.

Taking the glass of milk and my iPhone, I headed toward the balcony, although the heat is there, at night it's still bearable. With a sigh, I leaned against the railing, and my eyes raised toward the city drowned in darkness but were still lively, even at this hour I can detect people enjoying their calmness of the night. While sipping the milk my eyes flickered toward the scar left by the burn, my hands are healed but a faded scar has been left behind at the place where the effect was severe, the reason must be my negligence to regularly put on the ointment since I landed here.

Shrugging, I sipped the milk and went through the unread messages on my iPhone.

My eyes and fingers paused at the latest text from Elijah, which states that he misses me, and wishes to see me soon. Taking a moment, I replied the same words to him.

I can't say that I don't miss them, in fact, I do. Mainly Kai and Elijah though, because I'm used to Jackson's absence, and it has been quite a long time since I met Elijah. So, it's no wonder I certainly want to talk about random things with him over some food. And Kai, I truly miss having soccer games with him, refuting his useless talks, and seeing his distorted face at calling him a child.

It's no doubt that I miss all of that, as this is the first time I'm staying alone, without assistants, secretary, or Kai. But a the same time, I want to get used to this feeling, yes, there's something that's urging me to get used to this feeling of being alone, I don't find it repulsive but strangely refreshing. I can see why Jackson prefers this. I don't know why I find it invigorating, but being alone has really given me a moment to appreciate the fact that instead of loneliness, there's also a comfort that resides in it. 

The comfort of knowing that you're on your own, you have to take care of yourself, do your own work, chose what you like and what you don't, moreover, get a lot of time to spend on yourself.

Like until last week I have never gone grocery shopping, and I was a lost child there, I didn't know what one even buys there, because everything in my life is done by others and I only get the end product —don't like it, discard it, move on to another one and the cycle continues. The process of finding things from their basic step and reaching till you find what you truly like has never been a part of my life. So, at the grocery, I bought a lot of ingredients, fruits, and vegetables while making salad as that's the only thing I could muster up to cook. Later, I realized there are lof things that I don't like the taste of, and then I went back to bring more things and taste what I don't like and what I do.

Such a small thing, I never realized it could bring a smile to my face.

Even though I miss them, but I like it here, as being here has made me realize that I have never put the effort into knowing myself, isn't this should be my very first goal to accepting and acknowledging all aspects of my own existence? What I like, what I don't, I know nothing of, and now I want to try taking small steps in this direction, I want to acknowledge the little things I like and want them to be a part of my life, myself. Therefore, even though I will return, but I'm glad I have decided to stay, not only for the organization but also because for the moment of assurance of being here has brought me; I don't fear being alone, being with myself.

I once again looked toward the city, which's giving me a feeling that the night appears peaceful, or perhaps is it inside me that's peaceful, whatever ever it is, I want it to stay forever.

My eyes moved toward the stary sky, blinking toward its darkness, I smiled.

End of Part 1

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