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"...56, 57, 58..."

In a lightly dim gym room, a figure could be seen doing push-ups, sweat was dripping from his lean and muscular body, as he continued to do his vigorous exercise, showcasing his back muscle protruding and creating a mouth-watering sight. His black wet hair, falling in his hazel eyes, and his tan skin shining from all the sweat. Finally reaching a hundred, with a deep breath, he stood up and took the water bottle from nearby, gulping down some water, his eyes flickered toward the wide LED in front of him, on which the most awaited interview of Allea Ciarve was broadcasting a few minutes ago.

"Siri, call Allea."

'Calling Allea.'


"Free? How did the interview go?"

"You asking like you haven't seen it."

"I did, you were good."

"Well, what can I say."

"Okay, okay, don't make my ears puke. How about lunch?"

"Um...-Ben, what's next? Okay- Same usual then."

"Cool, see ya."

No one in the world would have been able to have an appointment with Allea Ciarve this easily only except Elijah Cohan.

Elijah Cohan -another name well-known in the world, he was none other than the world-proclaimed top car racer not only that but the owner of race academies and institutions throughout the world and soon on its way to start the car manufacturing industry in coming years. From the moment Elijah Cohan came with his car on the speed track, he moved ahead as fast as his car, leaving everyone in awe. A claimed self-made millionaire racer from having nothing to making the world follow his pace was a man desired by many and idolized by millions.

Also, an envied man among the people of the business world that desires to have a connection with rising companies, because, in all these years, the Allgaier family and Allea Ciarve had only one acquaintance -Elijah Cohan. Everyone knew how hard it was to have any contact with Allea Ciarve, who was also known to remind people of their limits and none in the business or outside world was able to cross the line beside him. Despite staying low-key Allea Ciarve was seen supporting Elijah on his races along with her brother cheering for him, without caring about anything, everyone has witnessed their interactions through paparazzi captures. On many occasions, reports have asked Elijah about his relation with Allea and he, unhesitantly, has replied with clear words, his 'only friend and family.'

Many people also approached him to curry favor and reach Allea but soon realized that he was much worse to convince and deal with.



"Elijah, I love you!"

"Please marry me!"


"How do they always know where you are?"

As Elijah stepped inside the personal both on the first floor of Korean food restaurant -a side investment by Elijah and their usual spot to have lunch, he was met with the question of the girl waiting for him, dressed in the same clothes she did her interview, and looking down at the crowd gathered at the entrance from the window.

"This is not your first time asking this."

"I know and it amazes me every time, how they so easily can find you."

Allea voiced her curiosity at which Elijah just shrugged and gave a light laugh. After ordering their food, they again fell into their usual conversation, because of having busy schedules they both usually don't have enough time to spend with each other but if not for Elijah's consistency in having lunch together, they probably wouldn't have developed such pure friendship.

"How's Kai?"

"That reminds me, can you please stop by the mansion sometime? He has eaten my ears from past days asking about you." Shaking her head, Allea stated, from her voice she seemed annoyed yet amused.

Elijah laughed again thinking of the young boy running around him, asking random things about cars all the time, "I'll, and old-man? How's he doing, last time I talked to him, he was somewhere... in Denmark?"

As if Elijah reminded Allea of something bitter as well as nice, she sighed and answered candidly, "Yeah, I talked to Jackson yesterday, and he's planning to visit around the same time as every year. I don't know If I should be happy or..."

"Among us, he's the only one truly enjoying his life."

"Can't agree more."

When their food came, they ate it while continuing to talk about random things, if someone witnessed this -the aloof and renowned racer Elijah Cohan, arrogant and upright businesswoman Allea Ciarve in such harmonious air- it would take them a moment for believing this.

"Are you this year too planning to be sponsored in the race?"

"Yeah...Salvadge Manufactures, they want to launch their new race car through me."

"Aha, I'll bring Kai to support you."

When their lunch ended they once again went on their own ways. As Elijah saw Allea car drive away, he didn't miss the bunch of flowers in her car when they bid goodbye, without guessing much he knew where she was going. It had been five years, since the first moment he met a young girl mocking him for being pathetic to being friends, he has seen all. As Allea car vanished from his sight, he sighed, hoping that maybe someday whatever struggles she was fighting inside her, she could win over them. He could never understand how such a young girl be familiar with such harsh realities of life, her life was easy unlike him but still.

Elijah, he never considered himself lucky, but the stupid yet the best decision he made till now was jumping in front of Allea's car five years ago. From that moment on, she was not light but a slap that bought him back in the reality, she woke him up from a sleep he never wanted to experience again.


"Boss, we are here." 

Ben stared at his boss from the rearview mirror, her eyes focused on the bunch of flowers in her hands, and a slight smile gracing her lips. He had been working with Allea Ciarve even before she was CEO, and now he could proudly say he has been working for such an exceptional boss. These six years he has seen her handling company, putting her hard work in it, not once taking anything lightly. Her life has remained the same through all the years, company, Kai, spending time with her only friend Elijah, and on rare moments like this, he has seen her coming here -the cemetery.

Allea stepped out of the car, her hands tightened around the bunch of flowers, she paced slowly toward the graveyard with a smile and halted just near the gates -not stepping inside. She looked down at the flowers in her hands and whispered, "Did you miss me?"

No one answered, and she continued, "I know it's been long, but mother, I'm not afraid anymore. All these years were enough to overcome the fear of facing you, you must be wondering then why was I once again standing at the gates?"

A light laugh escaped her lips as she answered her own words, "Remember when I told you I'll become the daughter you're proud of? I'm waiting for that moment. "

Allea paused, she sighed, closing her eyes, she whispered against the flowers in her hands, "But mother, how will I know you're proud of me?"

In the past years, the times she has visited the cemetery were only when every birthday Kai wished, no once did she stepped inside these gates, there was always something stopping her steps. Allea stood there, with her eyes closed, seemingly waiting for an answer but what countered her from everywhere was silence.

"I'll wait," Muttering these words, her light-brown eyes opened once again, she kissed the flowers before leaving them in front of the gates of the cemetery and turned to leave.

Allea -for world arrogant and influential businesswoman, for her friend and family casual and free, and in seclusion denying her true self.

I'm not afraid.

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