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Allea was well-aware of how easy it's for Elijah to win any race, he was unequivocally exceptional when it comes to racing especially when the car suits his taste, then there's nothing that can stop him. There's only one race Elijah has lost in all the past years and that was his first one, Allea did everything she could to get him the best sports car sponsorship and supported him in every way but he still lost the race, Allea didn't ask the reason so she could guess only.

It was just after a year when he came back from the decision of taking his life, he didn't show but things were hard for him. In the first race during the opening he was going smoothly but suddenly his car slowed and he lost control of the car. It was like his mind stopped working and was somewhere else but -fortunately- he regained senses before anything grave happened but it was too late to cover the distance. Allea supported him again the next year, without asking or saying anything, but till then Elijah was able to wake himself entirely, and nothing of that repeated.

So unlike the audience, Allea was not astonished when she saw that Elijah's car which was slow in the beginning soon gained its speed in the race in no seconds and started crossing the eleven cars before him, the impeccable speed of the car in the hands of a professional, nothing could hinder this perfect-duo. The race was a total of four laps, and till the cars reached the second lap, Elijah long ago left everyone behind. The crowd was going crazy with cheers after witnessing again one of Elijah's charming racing tactics, the car was moving with a smooth turn and controlled speed was increasing their heartbeats as they saw the close-ups of his movements on huge screens. When Elijah started his fourth lap, the other famous most fast cars in the world were on their third lap, which showed evidence of the speed capacity of the newly launched car.

Once again the stadium was resonated with exciting screams and noises, almost everyone stood up from his seat, the banners & posters rose high in the air when Elijah crossed the finish line. Elijah stepped out of his car at the finish line, took off his helmet, and waved both of his hands toward the people applauding for him with a smile.

Kai was having difficulty watching Elijah through the standing crowd, he moved toward Allea and requested, "I want to go meet him!"

"He's busy, the race ended, we should go home." 

Allea straightforwardly poured water on his flame of excitement, as Elijah will soon get busy clicking pictures and getting his cup & checks, and besides because the sponsors include a person -Nial Delton- and he would be around Elijah, whom Allea didn't want Kai to meet.

Kai's brows frowned, as he looked at Allea who wasn't even looking at him while saying, it was rare for Allea to answer like this, she knew he always meets Elijah at the end of the race to have a look at the car, and now -seeing the new car- he was excited to look at it closely, so he tried again in a sparsely supplicating tone, "But I want to see the car."

Giving him a peripheral glance, Allea knew what he wanted, yet she couldn't help the worry bubbling inside her. She just doesn't want him to meet those people yet, he's a child and his time hasn't come to step into the fabricated worlds of adults. She pointed toward the car, Elijah left in front of the eyes of onlookers and stated impassively, "Look, there it is, see as much as you want."

"You clearly know I don't mean like this, why can't I meet Elijah?"

Allea -avoided looking at him- shrugged rigidly as she repeated her reason, "He's busy."

Well-aware of her excuses, Kai folded his arms and lifelessly inclined on his chair, grumbling, "Fine!"

Allea was a little skeptical of how Kai agreed so easily, but didn't pester the topic further and spoke in an edgy docile tone, "How about we leave for home then? I'll call Elijah tonight at dinner."

Kai looked at her with dim eyes, he wanted to say -but, there won't be any car- but didn't and gave a reluctant nod.

Allea stood up and they walked out through the crowd and advanced toward the exits of the other side to reach the VIP parking area, she was walking ahead and Kai following her behind, but Allea kept notice of his presence. When they were about to exit the main stadium where their guards were already waiting, Kai's gaze somehow noticed Elijah's back amidst the security and his assistants turning toward the opposite direction to their path. Kai's eyes moved toward the girl in front of him and slowed his pace, he just couldn't control the urge to have a look at that car, and it was just Elijah, he was sure Allea won't say anything. The moment Allea shifted her focus from him and toward the exit gateway, he dashed in the direction where Elijah's figure disappeared.

As he ran behind Elijah, he noticed that more than ordinary people, the area was surrounded by security and staff running here and there. Narrowing his eyes to find the familiar back, he saw Elijah entering a room, he too sped further in that direction. But when he reached near the door, thinking of him as a crazed child-fan, as his clothes too weren't helping much, the security stopped him and didn't let him in. He tried to tell them that he knew Elijah, but every fan says they know their idol so they just tried to shoo him away.

Elijah walked into the private lounge, on the call of Airs Salvadge, as he was working for him and had no other option but to meet him. Although he didn't know what he wants to say to him, as they have discussed everything priorly and were introduced to each other at the party. Nonetheless, when he entered, he was met with his sight of the man himself sitting on the sofa like a king and acknowledged him with a mere nod -Elijah didn't mind his attitude, for him, it was normal for a man like Aris Salvadge to behave like this, while Nial Delton came toward him and greeted him formally with praising him for winning the race.

"I mean we did not doubt our car but in your hands, it moved just as perfect as we imagined," Nial Delton spoke, as he tried to continue the conversation, he was also unaware why Aris Salvadge called Elijah in the room, as soon as the race ended, he ordered to call him here, while he, himself, never stays here any second more after the race ends. And now, when Elijah was here, he only gave him a nod and fixed his eyes again on the screen that showed nothing but the crowd.

Elijah sat on the sofa, right to Aris Salvadge, his assistant Dan stood right behind him with his head ducked way down, one could see his apprehensive trembling if noticed closely.

"I'm glad working with Slavadge Manufactures," replied Elijah, he was calm, and not a bit hesitant as he leaned against the sofa.

This time before Nial Delton could say anything in return, Aris Salvadge -in his low tone- voiced, "We too, you're as skilled as the world says."

His eyes moved toward Elijah, who confidently held his gaze  under his intense black eyes and intimidating air, Elijah was unbothered by any of it, "I appreciate your kind words, Mr. Salvadge."

As the silence again fell between them, Nial Delton was gawking oddly at his friend, who knows better than him that Aris Slavadge was never the man of words and -absolutely- not the one to complement any person, in the long period of their friendship he never once appreciated him but praised Elijah Cohan so easily, although he knew Elijah was certainly talented yet hearing the praise straight from his friend's mouth he was a little startled.

Soon a knock interpreted the reticence of the three men sitting and one was standing, it was one of the securities. As he stepped inside he moved toward Aris Slavadge and bending down to reach near his ear, he whispered something, at which the man didn't say anything just gave another subtle nod.

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