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The moment I stepped inside the mansion, my eyes searched for the familiar figure who around this time hops everywhere with his soccer ball but he was nowhere in sight. Shrugging, I advanced toward my room to take a shower and wash away the tiredness of the day.

In the beginning, Kai & I was in a quiet awkward phase, maybe still are. I guess it wasn't only my problem, but he also didn't know how to react to each other. The words exchanged between us these days could be possibly count on one hand as both of us are new to the role of the siblings. I always return before dinner so he doesn't have to eat food alone and he always sits on the chair beside mine despite the huge dinning-table. On weekends instead of my room, I prefer to work in the living room, where Kai would also join me with his homework or some book.

At dinner time, there were still no traces of Kai so I ordered a maid to call him for the dinner. When she returned, Kai followed behind her, I don't know how but I have a feeling that he's acting different today. His head was bowed and walked silently toward the table, still sat beside me but not once raising his head.

The whole meal passed, he finished his food in hurry and was ready to leave. Now, I'm certain there's something not right, "Kai, raise your head and look at me."

He stopped dead in his tracks, with his back facing me, his angry childish-voice retorted at my command, "Who are you to order me!?"

I stood up before he could run away, my hand gripped his arm and turned him around, he struggled in my hold but with the other hand, I grasped and raised his chin. His blue eyes were filled with tears and anger as with another hand he tried to push my hand away from his chin.

My gaze fell on the swollen bruise on his left cheek as I asked calmly, "Who did this?"

"I don't need your help! leave me!" He fought more harshly against my grip.

"Do you want me to swell your other cheek too?"

His movements suddenly stopped and he looked at me like I have wronged him and tears started pouring out of his eyes. Ignoring his state, I continued, "If not, then tell me who did this?"

"You'll also hit me like them!? They were making fun of me that I don't have parents and I'm an orphan! So I pushed him and his friends hit me!" Yelling this, he ducked his head, and once again crazily fought against my hold. "You leave me! I can handle myself!"

"If you could, you wouldn't be standing here crying like a brat."

"You are so bad! I hate you!"

When I loosened my grip on him, he yelled while staring at me with aggrieved eyes and ran toward his room. The maids were also gawking at me for behaving like this with Kai but ignoring them I walked back toward my room.

I may not be sure how to approach Kai but one thing I'm sure of is; I don't want him to depend on others, I don't want him to think that others will become his shield, he has to face everything. The path ahead of him is not easy, he has to make his defenses strong so that no one can harm him again and use him. I can be his base but he has to stand tall on his own.

As I stepped inside my room, once again the feeling crept inside me to leave this place -this room. I don't like staying here, at night I couldn't turn the lights off but I kept everything at bay inside me. Leaving this room will mean once again running away from reality. Once again I reminded myself -I have to face this.


As Jackson said, from the next day onward I moved my thing in the Finance department. My days were not different, no one bothered with me and let me do my work calmly. I guess words traveled from my previous department that it was probably better to leave me alone. I found the Finance department much easier to handle so, I was done with most of the work Jackson lined up for me in a month or so, and I had time to do some of the online school work. Jackson handled everything related to school, so I only had to perform my part and prepare to graduate early this year.


"Where's Kai?" I asked the maid, who stood nearby when I sat for dinner there was no sign of little man.

"Young Sir's Master left ten minutes ago, he will be arriving after getting fresh."

I nodded and a few minutes later I saw Kai running toward the table. Noticing my gaze on him, the smile that was evident on his face just a moment ago turned into a frown as he sat beside me.

"So when will you be able to beat them?"

At my sudden question, Kai looked at me with a complicated gaze, "You want me to beat them?"

"Don't you?" I raised a brow at him, "Then why are you learning to fight?"

Kai nodded hesitantly, "It will take time," He paused and anger flashed through his eyes as he continued, "I want to kick them soon, they still haven't stopped bullying me!"

Am I doing right to teach him to answer violence with violence? This question bugged me for some time but I want him to protect himself well, I can't fight these tiny bugs for him, he had to crush them on his own so they don't dare to fill his mind with their useless words. Hearing the determination yet edgy despondency in his voice, I shrugged and ate my grilled fish, Kai looked at my food enviously. His master has put him on a strict diet of vegetables with meat twice a week, he's a child but still sticks to his instructions obediently. The little argument we fell in last time dissolved the next day when I appointed a self-defense teacher for him, he wanted to say something but later we both just continued our silent treatment.

"Bear it. Learn to have patience, for later to enjoy its fruit."

As if his tiny mind got the meaning behind my words, I saw his small hands clutching in fists with determination and blue eyes twinkling with his imaginations.

Those thoughts soon halted, because soon confusion filled his face as he doubtfully asked, "But won't it cause trouble? School says no fighting."

"School also says no bullying, but that still happens. And whether you get in trouble or not, that depends."

Confused at my words, he turned to look at me with his face stuffed with food, "On what?"

"Whether you beat them or they beat you. If I saw a single bruise on you, not only I will make them double but will personally help the Principal to expel you & Jackson to scold you."

Hearing my words, he paled a little, and seeing my serious face, he knew I was not joking. Looking dejected he bowed his head, giving me eyes that I was doing wrong with him. Ignoring his act, I patted his shoulder before leaving with my encouraging words which sounded like a threat to his ears, "So practice well."

Dealing with an eight-year-old is sure a little fun.

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