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"You wanted to learn in a year, right? Now, don't complain."

"I didn't even say anything."

Saying this, I ignored the big-man standing near my desk and put myself in sorting out the bundle of paper-work he arranged for me. Jackson continued to stare at me and then went into the Director's office of the Sales & Marketing department. This is the department Jackson wants me to work in, saying to start from the easiest.

Easiest he says, but I know he wants me to become aware of the in and outs of market values and demands, with what strategies we can benefit from, and how to plan marketing strategies for better gross. Throwing me the trickiest files, he thought I will complain, in his eyes, I'm a sixteen-year-old young brat who knows nothing of business.

Later in years, I had a degree in Finance -I didn't even think before getting admission, whether I can do it or not, the whole purpose was to brag. But I can say that for a sixteen-year-old self I know quite enough even if I was careless I still did the company's work from time to time so I'm well-aware of the things from experience and the things I learned in university. In the past, I never put my knowledge and wisdom to work but this time putting my all effort together I won't let Jackson down. I guess, I can also use the advantage of knowing the projects that will gross a better result and investments that'll triple our profits but for now I can only stick to sorting the data.

Exiting the director's office, I saw Jackson leaving without turning to look at me, because of Odgen Allgaier's sudden death he has a lot of things to deal with and handle. When I stepped inside the company along-side Jackson this morning, I could feel the gloomy air along with curious gazes on me. After discussing my terms of job, that I'll work in which department, and my salary which he was a little reluctant to give at first, Jackson left me here. I still could feel people from my adjacent desks peeking at me, they probably recognized me from the funeral or somewhere & wondering what I'm doing here, but I didn't bother with them and continued doing my assigned work.

"Hey, it's lunchtime, we won't mind if you want to join us?"

I didn't realize how time passed, so when someone stood over my head and called me, I raised my head to look at the women in her professional attire staring at me hopefully. Behind her were a group of people, around three men, and two women, who are also gazing at me. Thinking of lunchtime, I realized the hunger  creeping inside me so I nodded and stood up to follow them toward the cafeteria.

When we settled on the table with my simple cheese-chicken sandwich in my hand, I could feel their awkward glances and gestures, nudging each other to ask me what they are curious about.

"We's a hard time for you. We felt quite bad, everyone in the company did, after the news of Mr & Mrs. Allgaier. We hope you're doing well, Allea right?"

It was the woman that called me for lunch, I nodded solemnly at the confirmation of the name and continued to eat my lunch. I can see their surprise at my calmness, I know they were confused about my presence here wearing a black blouse that's quite big on my sixteen-year-old petite feminine body if not for black pants that held it together. A girl, who was not even mature in her looks, with the visible baby fat and cute-girly features. What was such a young girl, moreover, Odgen Allgaier's step-daughter doing here? I'm well-aware of the wild-theories going through their minds that I'm in no mood to entertain.

"So here? Shouldn't you be in school?"

I merely glanced at her, "Company's in an urgent state, instead of focusing on the useless thing, I hope we can put all our effort into doing work diligently."

Never expecting such mature & serious words from a young girl, their face filled with shame. I didn't want to sound rude or mean, I only stated the fact. Not waiting for them to reply, I stood up and left to continue my work.

Never again after that, anyone called me to have lunch with them, I guess they turned my 'serious advice' into arrogance. It's not like I care, no longer Allea cares for what people think of her.


As days continued to pass, my work-load also increased, Jackson continued to increase the level of work in the department. In the next two months, from arranging sale prices to making strategies, I did everything meticulously as Jackson guided me along. With my latest successful marketing plan, I finally to some degree outshined each person in the Marketing and Sales department, even those who were working there for years, Which I never, myself, believed I was capable of.

When I stood there in front of the whole department, Director announced that I was going to transfer to another department, everyone started clapping for me. I could see astonishment and admiration visible on their faces as they continued to cheer me, not minding my distant attitude to them in these two months. Everyone kept praising me as I thanked them for their cooperation and patience.

"You're not bad but still lacking."

This is the first critique mixed compliment I heard from Jackson in two months. This whole time he kept a close watch on my work, following every step and not losing a single chance to insult me in front of everyone. Like one time a month ago, I was made a team leader when one of the people working under me, made a mistake in arranging the prices which resulted in an overall ten percent increase in total cost, a total of ten percent which would have gone to waste if not for Jackson's double-checking my work.

"How could you overlook such a mistake? This is your work? Rubbish!" He stood over my head and scolded me in front of the whole office, I realized my mistake as a leader I should have gone through numbers again but somehow it slipped my mind, therefore, I stood there silently. "As a leader, fingers will be pointed at you, your lackings and negligence. This is not how who wish to lead works!"

"From tomorrow on I will send you to the Finance department, you can go home now." He leaned against his office chair and without looking at me, keeping his eyes on the files in front of him, told flatly.

"I want to work as your secretary." Even at my response, he refused to acknowledge my presence with his eyes. Sometimes, I really hate this old-hag, stubborn as a ninety-year-old grandpa.

"You're not capable."

At his brutal decline, I didn't bother with him further and left for the mansion. 

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