013 | Do you know what you just did?

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"Push me.And then just touch me.Till I can get my satisfaction" –Benny Benassi

Till I can get my satisfaction" –Benny Benassi

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The meeting finally ended and I could relax.Even though the 'audience' wasn't big I was so anxious.I had stage-fright which I barely have.

All of them walked out the room and only Mr.Collins and I were left in here.I picked up my stuff from the table and fixed my suit.It was a little wrinkled because I kept gripping of nervousness.I looked over at him but he wasn't paying attention.I guess it's time to leave.

I stood up from the comfortable chair and opened the door.

"Where do you think you are going?" I heard and stopped in the doorway watching other coworkers passing by me.I looked over at him but he was already behind me.

I got scared from his sudden appearance behind me and dropped my notebook.I quickly bent down to pick it up when I felt him closer behind me.His manhood pressing against me.I froze as soon as I realized and were in a really weird position,in the doorway,with others walking around.

I grabbed the notebook and at that moment he grabbed my arms pulling me up.He pulled me back in the room but he was still behind me.

"Mr.Collins!" Someone called for him and he didn't close the door.The door was slightly open so I couldn't be seen,only him.I wanted to get away from his grip,like shit someone is coming and he is still pressing against me.

"Don't move Kim,do you know what you just did?" He asked and I looked back at him,our eyes met and as soon as I felt something hard on my rear I realized what he was talking about.


Yay my birthday is today.Sarcasm is my really good friend.I went with Jackson's idea.I'm throwing a party!Still don't know how to decorate my home but I will make it work.

Besides I can make new friends.That's a really good thing,I hope our personalities will match.Currently I'm at a shop where they sell party stuff,I'm the one who organizes the party so I want this to be special,without flaws.I can't describe how thankful I am to Jackson,he helped me a lot,and he makes sure I have friends,isn't he a good friend?

I guess when people say first impressions are the most important thing then they are right.I thought Jackson was a cold hearted immature boy who was just fooling around.But he is the opposite,super nice guy,fun to be around with.

"Are you sure you don't want my help?" Jackson asked through the phone.I was already heading home with two big bags.

"Yes I am,I want to surprise you as well!I love decorating so it will be fun" I said.Also I need some alone time as well.Since I have a job I don't really have enough free time,I can barely visit my parents.

I parked my car then walked up to my house,not gonna lie those two heavy bags almost ripped my arms out.I bought some snacks,and alcohol.Side note: I'm not planning on getting drunk.

I washed all the dishes and changed the tablecloth.I vacuumed and after all these I had a little free time.

Yesterday was amazing.I think the meeting went perfectly.I did everything Mr.Collins told me to do.As I looked at him he looked pleased.I want to make him pleased.

But then,I can't forget what happened after it.He was so close to me.After he stopped talking to that man he let me go,fixed his suit and told me to go.

I was kind of embarrassed but whatever.Not the first time feeling like this.

The first thing I did in the morning was to talk with my parents.They wished me a happy birthday and told me they are really sorry that we can't spend it together.I assured them that when I get back home we definitely will celebrate.

Sadie called me too and her children wished me happy birthday too.Sadie said she is feeling so much better now.It's only been about 2 weeks since that day.As I heard Peter only got behind bars for a few years.For violent behavior and domestic violence.

It was almost time and I heard the doorbell ring,why do I feel so nervous?Yeah maybe it's because I know only one person.Okay Kim,just activate your social skills.. my what?

"Look who it isss" Jackson came in first and hugged me which calmed me down a little bit.

"Happy birthday Kim!" He said and the others walked in as well.They all look chill,I might have nothing to worry about.They all introduced themselves and I showed them around..well not too much to see but still.

"So I heard you guys work together." A boy said,if I remember well his name is Dave.My memory is the worst so don't come at me. "Yeah,I came just about a year later then him." I replied.

"Do you have ideas what you wanna do after?" A girl asked,Mary? No,Morgan.

"I'm thinking about becoming a speech therapist" We were talking about each other for like an hour which was really great,Jackson has really good friends.The boys are a little immature but I get along with the girls.Not to mention they have the same taste in music so I'm sure we will be really good friends.

"So Kim,do you have alcohol?"


"I'm so sorry Paul broke that vase,he does this all the time.Whenever we go to a party he just loses control and gets wasted." Jackson said as we walked to our office.

"Jackson I told you already.No problem,I will buy another one." I told him with a smile.I had so much fun yesterday.I hope elderly people who live next door didn't complain about the music.As we entered the building we met Mr.Collins.

His presence lighting up to whole building,his scent hitting my nose.Dark blue shirt and slicked back hair.I immediately remembered back to yesterday and I can feel my heart beating faster.

"Good morning sir" I said while Jackson walked away.He just looked at me then walked away.Did I do something wrong? Please don't tell me he is pissed at me because I messed up at yesterday's meeting.I followed Jackson to our office then closed the door behind me.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked him and he looked at me confused.

"No,why are you asking?"

"I'm not sure,Mr.Collins looked at me like I did something wrong." I told him then shrugged it off. Jackson went to the cafeteria to get something to eat after a few hours and asked if I wanted something but I declined.

Yesterday I talked to Mira and I don't know what happened to her being so excited about me and Mr.Collins, she changed her perspective on the whole things.Actually just telling the truth.

"Please tell me you wouldn't actually sleep with him!"

"You probably don't understand! You would be thinking the same as me.Just looking at him makes you horny."

"I don't know,you do know boss-employee relationship is strictly not allowed!"

Thanks for reminding me of that.Like I didn't know .It's not my fault that I am crazily attracted to him.His whole appearance and his personality is like a magnet.It attracts me.How am I supposed to push these feelings away when I see him every day?

"I brought you water" Jackson interrupted my thoughts.Mira and I can hardly talk because of the time difference,she moved to Europe and it's hard to catch up.

I obviously can't talk about these feelings with Sadie because Mr.Collins is her boss too.I just don't want her to know that I've been having a massive crush on our boss since day one.

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