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"Lia, I don't think she is related to this case" Namjoon sighed making Lia scoff
"I know she is your sister, but we must find the culprit, we can't help the criminal, right? she said.

"She is not a criminal," Namjoon said with gritted teeth
"And how are you sure about that?" Lia raised one of her eyebrows
"And how are you sure that she is involved with this?" Namjoon glared at her.

"Well, we have to search evidence against her," she said, taking a sip on her coffee
"I know, you will feel guilty about this, but you have to protect the citizens from criminals like them. Y/n might or might not be involved in this case, we have to find it. She will be hurt, but she will understand why did we do this" Lia explained.

After a long silence, Namjoon came up with his decision
"Fine...let's try," he said making Lia smirk at his answer
"You chose wisely" she smiled sweetly at him.


"Thank you once again I enjoyed it," you said to Sehun who was driving both you and Yoongi home
"It's my pleasure princess" Sehun smiled.

Yoongi who was sitting at the back watching the two of you talking and cracking jokes at each other, in simple words he was jealous....again
"Did she forget about me?" Yoongi mumbled. 

"Yoongi, where should I drop you?" Sehun asked him
"At my house," you said before he could answer
"No, just drop me near the convenient store," Yoongi said making you frown.

"No, you're coming with me," you said while looking at him from the rear mirror
"Whatever," you said giving up, Yoongi pouted a bit as he thought you will force him to come with you.

"Is this the store?" Sehun said while pointing at a store
"Yup," Yoongi said and got out of the car and slammed the car door shut. 

"Aish, can't he close it lightly" Sehun mumbled and was about to leave but you stopped him
"I'll get down here and thanks once again," you said not waiting for his reply you got off the car making him sigh. 

"I guess...I don't have a chance" Sehun smiled bitterly thinking how your eyes shine when you were talking with Yoongi. He knew that you love him. His heart pained and tears threatened to fall, he took a deep breath and drove off not being able to handle his pain anymore.


"Where are you?!" you groaned in frustration while searching for him
"Yoongi" you called out his name. Some people stared at you weirdly but you could care less, the only thing you wanted is to ask sorry from Yoongi.

"Why are you searching for me?" you heard his voice behind you
"At last, I found you" you sighed in relief
"What are you doing here? aren't you supposed to be with that guy, what was his name again? sewus," Yoongi said making you chuckle.

"It's Sehun" he rolled his eyes hearing Sehun's name
"Yeah whatever,  I'm going," he said and was about to walk but you caught him by his wrist.

"I'm sorry"  you looked at him with sincerity
"For what?" his voice was cold than usual,  you sighed
"I don't know...but I felt like I hurt you" you looked down at your feet, fiddling with your fingers.

"Look at me," Yoongi said and lifted your chin with his index finger
"Please forgive me" you sniffed
'why am I crying?'

he smiled and wiped your tears with his thumb
"I forgive you" Yoongi smiled and patted your head
"God this is so embarrassing," you said and covered your face with your palms. You hated that you cried in front of him.

"Cute" Yoongi mumbled so that you won't hear him 
"Come let's go home," he said and interlocked his hands with yours.
'why am I feeling something weird in my stomach? am I sick or something? wait.... is this what they call butterflies in your stomach when the person you love touches you?'

You looked at Yoongi's side profile and smiled
'i guess I am falling hard for him'
"Don't look at me like that," Yoongi said making you chuckle. 

"How can I take my eyes off from you when you're so handsome" you winked at him
"How can you flirt so perfectly?" Yoongi asked in disbelief.

"Jimin taught me" Yoongi frowned hearing a boy's name
"Don't worry he is Aera's boyfriend" you chuckled as you knew he would feel jealous hearing a boy's name.

"I didn't ask" he rolled his eyes as you shook your head in disbelief
'he looks cute when he is jealous, I feel to squeeze his cheeks hard that it would rip off from his skin...okay....that was gross'

"I always dream about you" you blurted out
"I know," Yoongi said and clasped his mouth as he realized that he said something which he shouldn't have.

"You knew?" you almost raised your voice
"N-no, what I meant was, why...yes why" Yoongi laughed nervously
"The legends say that if you dream about someone daily he or she is your soulmate," you said making up your theory. 

"Whoever said that is a fool," Yoongi said and looked at you
"And...I wanted to ask this for a long time," Yoongi said in a serious tone
"Sure, I would love to go on a date with you" you winked at him.

"I never mentioned that" he sighed
"Well, you became serious suddenly so I thought you were gonna ask me out" you smiled awkwardly
"No, I wanted to ask that how is the case going on so far?" he said making you sigh.

"They found a strand of hair near the blood bank refrigerator" as you said that Yoongi's eyes went wide
"Don't worry I replaced it with mine" he sighed in relief.

"But...won't you get caught up with this?" he said worried visible in his voice
"I will handle it" you gave him a reassuring smile.

"Thanks," he said awkwardly scratching the  back of his neck
"It's my duty babe" you smiled cheekily at him
"You can't be serious more than a minute," he said and you shook your head in denial.

"Bye," you said as you both arrived near the doorstep of your home
"That was fast" Yoongi mumbled. You kissed his cheeks and bid goodbye to him.

"Ba bye and text me as soon as you reach home" with that saying you went inside
"I guess...I'm getting used to it," Yoongi said while touching his left cheek where you kissed him. 


"Where were you?" Namjoon questioned you as soon as you entered the house
"I was with Sehun," you said while walking towards the kitchen
"What's he doing here?" Namjoon asked coming behind you. 

"He said he wanted to help us out" you explained and drank some water as you felt thirsty from all the walking
"Who was that boy who came with you?" you chocked hard as soon as you heard what Namjoon said
'if I say he is his your future brother in law, he will surely be mad at me, so telling that he is my friend is the best option'

"Friend" you answered shortly
"I don't think so" Aera came up out of nowhere with a smirk on her face, you glared at her saying to keep her mouth shut.

"You knew him?" Namjoon questioned her
"Yeah, I met him," she said, Namjoon sighed. He was looking really tired
"Fine, I'm gonna sleep," he said and left, you frowned looking at his dull expression.

"What happened when I was not here?" you questioned Aera
"After he met Lia this evening, he came back home with a confused and a dull face" Aera shrugged.

"He met Lia?" you asked in disbelief
"Yes, she wanted to discuss something important," she said. You had a bad feeling about her meeting Namjoon. 
"Good night," you said and left to your room.

"God knows what is she planning to do" you sighed and plopped yourself on the bed.


Author's Note:
Hey, potatoes 👀
Sorry for not updating yesterday 🙂
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I know it's a boring chapter •́  ‿ ,•̀
See you soon~

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