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"Calm your ass down" Jimin sighed looking at Namjoon panicking
"How can I?" he raised his voice a bit.

"They haven't come yet, it's past eight" he rubbed his forehead feeling stressed
"Yoongi is with her, so she will be safe" Jin tried to calm him down.

"That's the problem, what if y/n hurts herself and Yoongi won't be able to control his thirst and drank her blood out completely," Namjoon said in one breath.

"That won't happen...I guess"Jin laughed nervously
"We are home" your voice echoed, Namjoon sighed in relief and hugged you as soon as he saw you
"Did you miss me?" you wiggled your eyebrows at him.

"Are you okay? did you hurt yourself?" he asked and examined you from head to toe
"Yeah," you said in a questioning tone as you were confused at his sudden questions and worried state.

"Why did you come late?" he scolded you
"Well...we were talking that we didn't realize that it was night" you chuckled nervously
"Thank god you came on time, he was going insane" Aera rolled her eyes.

"Can I have a word with you?" Namjoon turned to Yoongi
"Sure" he agreed and both of them walked outside to talk.

"Is he going to threaten him or something?" Aera whispered to you
"I guess" you whispered back.

"Do you love y/n?" Namjoon questioned Yoongi who smiled and nodded his head as a yes
"Yes, I love her, words can't express how much she means to me," he said making Namjoon smile a bit.

"I hope you will love her till the end and never break her heart, and if you do..." he stopped and looked straight into Yoongi's eyes
"I will kill you with my own hands" he smiled sweetly at him who gulped and nodded his head.

"I won't trust me," Yoongi said confidently
"She is really sensitive please don't hurt her, I have hurt her badly and I hate myself for that, but I believe that you won't hurt her like I did, and promise me that you won't leave her. I can't see her broken like in the past when our dad left us," Namjoon said and bit his lower lip controlling his tears as he remembered the day where his dad left them forever.

"I promise you that I won't leave her and I promise you that I won't break her heart" Yoongi smiled showing his gummy
"Can I hug you?" Namjoon asked him as he felt to give him a tight hug, Yoongi chuckled and engulfed him into a bro hug
"Welcome to the family" Namjoon smiled making Yoongi widen his eyes
"I approve you as y/n's future husband" he smiled making Yoongi blush hearing the word husband
"Let's go inside and have dinner," Namjoon said and they both walked back after having their bro talk.


"Y/n, wake up" you groaned and opened one of your eyes to see Yoongi smiling at you
"Time to wake up honey" he whispered into your ears
"I wanna sleep more," you said and closed your eyes falling back to sleep.

"Wait..." you opened your eyes wide and sat straight as you realized that he was in your room
"How are you in my room?" you titled your head in confusion
"I have my ways" he smirked.

"Since I am awake give me my morning kiss," you said and pointed your cheeks, he chuckled and leaned in to kiss you but the door swung open revealing non-other than Aera.

"Wake up lazy ass" she shouted
"Can't she see you?" You asked and turned towards Yoongi who was smiling at you before disappearing into thin air
"Where did he go?" you gasped and looked around.

"Wake up" you felt your body shaking vigorously. Slowly you opened your eyes only to be greeted by an angry-looking Aera.

"Another dream" you mumbled and woke up
"Do you know what time it is?" She huffed
"No" you shook your head, she smacked your head and showed the time
"Not surprised at all that I slept till noon," you said making Aera nod agreeing with you.

"Now get your lazy ass down," she said and left the room. Before you enter the washroom you got a message from Yoongi, you smiled and replied to his text.

Soon To Be Husband 😏

Good afternoon love❤️😚

My Life🥺❤️

Good afternoon babe😚😚😚😚
Did you sleep well

Soon To Be Husband 😏

No...I miss you🥺

My Life🥺❤️

Aw you are being soft and I love it
I missed you tooo🤧🤧
And I dreamt about you

Soon To Be Husband 😏

I know...

My Life🥺❤️


Soon To Be Husband 😏

It's normal to dream about your soulmate 👀

My Life 🥺❤️


Soon To Be Husband 😏

Go brush your teeth just now you woke up, right?

My Life 🥺❤️

Damn you are good at guessing
Ba bye I'll brush and come ❤️

Soon To Be Husband 😏

Of course, I am😌🤚
Bye and love you
Oh I almost forgot, get ready by seven...coz we are going on a date

My Life 🥺❤️

REALLY??? OMG IM EXCITED....you are the best 🤧🤧🤧

Love you too😚❤️

Yoongi sighed in relief and kept his phone aside
"That was close," he said to himself and started to eat his lunch with the rest of the vampires. 


"Are we there yet?" you asked Yoongi who was busy closing your eyes with his hands
"No," he said making you groan as you both were walking like this for more than five minutes.

"And we are here," he said and removed his hands from your eyes
"Finally" you sighed and looked around the surroundings. The place was decorated with beautiful flowers and trees all over and the moon reflecting on the river. The sky is filled with twinkling stars and on the green grass, there was a small blanket with different kinds of food placed on it.

"Do you like it?" Yoongi whispered into your ears and back hugged you and rested his chin on your shoulder inhaling your sweet scent.

"Yes, I love it" you turned around and hugged him and placed a soft kiss on his neck sending shivers down Yoongi's spine as soon as he felt your soft warm lips on his cold skin.

"I'm glad that you did" he smiled and kissed your forehead
"So...can we eat?" he chuckled and shook his head
"Why?" you whined and pouted
"First give me a kiss" he pointed at his lips, you chuckled and pecked his lips
"Happy? now can we eat...please" you showed your puppy eyes.

"Yeah," he said and you dragged him with you. The whole place was filled with giggles and cheesy talks and that's how you spent your night enjoying each other's presence. But will this last long...

Author's Note:
Time for some drama😏😏😏
See you in the next chapter potatoes and don't forget to vote and comment
See you soon~

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