Irritations, Ideas and Ice...

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Few days later she knew who was Naeem, he was annoying, irritating, jerk who had the capability to bring out the worst in her. He never ever missed a chance to irritate her.

One day she was having lunch with Heena and some other girls, after lunch she and Heena went to pray namaz in the common room, but couldn't coz Naeem was sitting there with some other guys and few girls and chatting.

She politely told them to leave coz they had to pray namaz.

Naeem said "what are you speaking to me, coz I didn't hear you tell my name"

Nisma "would you please excuse me, I have to pray namaz"

Naeem "what if I don't excuse you?"

"it's not an option, u have to leave"

"I don't have to leave,u want me to leave"

"yes,I want you to leave, now can you leave?"

"I wish you wanted something else, but I don't want what you want"

"look mister, whatever your name is, I am warning you, this is the girls common room,I have to pray namaz, and you should leave, or you have to bear consequences from Allah tala"

"I won't leave"

She huffed out of the room in anger, Heena gave her water to drink,she prayed namaz in her car.

This kind of became a routine for both, he loved to irritate her,and she hated him.

Time passed by, and soon it was time for their internal assessments, she was preparing really hard, her seniors told her to relax, coz it was their first exam,but she never took her exams lightly.

She had help from her senior friends.

Their was a week more for the exams. Auditions for Mr. and Miss fresher had started.

Her seniors and friends wanted her to take part in it,but she didn't want, so she bunked college when the auditions were going on.

The next day, she was cornered by her seniors.

Simra"why didn't you come for the auditions, you were supposed to come?"

Nisma "sorry ma'am I didn't want to be in spot light, I can help you with the preparations but please spare me, I can't take part"

Jawwad "okay we need a theme for this party, and some entertainment, as your punishment you should take care of these things"

Nisma "okay sir, just give me a day, In sha Allah I will come up with something"

She was left alone. She had just the idea in her mind,but she wanted to make sure of other stuff ,and she wanted to be thorough with everything. She mailed her brother about the details and asked him to mail something.

When she received the mail,she made a PowerPoint presentation in her phone,then after lunch she went in search of simra and Jawwad.

She found them in the canteen. Jawwad was sitting with few other guys and some of her classmates. Simra also was there with others. She said, " simra maam, i have some ideas and themes"

Simra," so soon,it's not even been a day, and you're already ready, anyways show what you have got."

She showed her presentation, simra seemed impressed, she called over jawwad to check it. After seeing the presentation even jawwad liked it,and they finalised two themes, and had to decide on one,he asked Nisma which one was of less budget but good.

So she suggested the fire and ice theme,coz then everyone will have a choice to dress in any of the blue,white,red,orange,yellow and black colors.

So she suggested what they can do for decorations and how you can recycle old stuff and add it to suit according to the theme.

The seniors seemed impressed, so they made her the incharge of the decorations.

She had to comply, since this was the only way to escape from the competition.

The next day,she told jawwad and simra about how they can get a transparent plastic sculpture or a statue to make it look like ice. They agreed and Jawwad gave the responsibility to fawad and salma.

Then with the help of simra and saleha, decorations was given to someone, arrangements were also divided. Almost everything was sorted out. She helped them with some skits also which the 2nd and 3rd years would perform, there was also a unique kind of fashion show.
With the internals and party preparations she was exhausted. But Alhamdulillah exams went really well,even though some people were asking her the answers in the hall. But she dint comply.
Anyways the party was set on friday night.
She had selected her dress,with matching hijab.
Salma called her up stating that the sculpture dint turn out good,there were some flaws.
So she told her to cover the flaws in yellow,orange and red paint to give the effect of fire.

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