Party, Performance and Punishment...

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On the day of the party,she took her dress and went to the hostel to get ready.

(see the pic)

She had selected an ice blue dress,which had been paired with a churidar(tight cloth leggings). She had selected a cream coloured hijab with this dress.

She got dressed, since she didn't do any makeup,she just applied some chapstick on her lips.

She was ready,the party was about to start in 30 minutes, but she knew it wouldn't start for at least an hour. The organisers were true hyderabadi, they definitely won't start on time. She laughed at the thought. So she skyped with her brothers, then some of her cousins. She was in the middle of her conversation when she received a call from simra asking where is she. So she disconnected her call shortly after, then went to college auditorium.

She saw simra,saleha,salma and other seniors making sure all the preparations are up to date.

Shortly after the function started,first with a speech by the dean.

The program finished by midnight, her father had come to pick her up.

She introduced her father to the dean,and her professors.

Dr.Wajiullah seemed very impressed by her dad.

Anyways the night had ended,so did her job. She bade good bye to her friends, some seniors.

As she was leaving she heard her name being called. It was saleha, she asked whether she can be dropped home,since she was alone. Without hesitation she said yes.

When she came with saleha to her car,she saw that there were two other girls, she asked her dad, " dad who are these people? "

Dad," oh..these girls needed transportation to go home,since its so late,and i am going anyways, i thought it would be safe if we dropped them"

"but dad even i have one of my seniors and i promised her that i will drop her"

"you should have asked me first,since i am driving "

"but it's my car"

"I demand respect young lady "

"sorry dad,but wat should i do,i just can't leave her na, please help me out"

"okay but u will get some punishment for speaking disrespectfully, okay"

" okay dad"
After dropping all the other girls,they reached home at 4 in the morning.
They were tired,so went to sleep.
Next day she got the punishment which she kind of expected, going for a 10km run,she had prepared her self. By the time she was back her legs were aching terribly.
This reminded her never to disrespect her dad ever again.

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