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25 years later
"Ammi, where are you, your sons are troubling me"
"I'm in the kitchen Quratulain."
A 10 year old came running to the kitchen and collided with her mother's legs.
"Ammi, see na your sons are troubling ne, they are saying that I'm adopted and you don't love me, tell them that they are wrong, say na Ammi."
" Nabeel, Naveed, Nadeem, Nehal, come to the kitchen immediately", she said in the intercom.
After a while 4 boys came to the kitchen, two had their heads hung down while the other two were staring at Quratulain, who quickly hid behind her mother.

"What did we talk about troubling your sister guys?"

The youngest two spoke up "...that if We trouble her or tease her we will be grounded until you say so..."


"But Mumma, ask your laado also, why does she have to go through our things, she is a girl she won't understand how to use our playstation...." whined Nabeel.

Nisma switched off the stove and sat on the chair near the island, and said, "Even all of you did not know how to walk, or talk or play or eat, did We not teach you, did We also trouble you saying, you don't know how to handle things, because you are young? you all are her elder brothers, you should be supportive of her, help her to understand things, does she trouble you when you are preparing for your exams?"

They just shook their heads in no.

"You have to be patient with little humans, they teach you Sabr, they will need your assistance when and if We are not around."

There was a chorus of sorry Mumma/Mom/Ummi/Ma

Each of her kids called her differently, she looked at them and smiled, then she said, "Let's play, I have a game for you all"

She took all of them to her backyard, in a line. when everybody arrived, she called her 3rd or 2nd, she had 2 sets of twins, so from her 2nd set she called Nadeem, she put a blindfold on him, then drew a boundary in her backyard with a stick.

"The game is simple, one person will be blindfolded, the rest of you are a team, I will say the name of the person, Nadeem has to catch, you all have to protect to protect the person from being caught, by distracting him, if the person is caught, all of you get negative points and Nadeem will get a positive point. This game has 6 rounds. At the end of the game, the person with maximum points will win, do all you understand me?"

"yes mom/mumma/ma/ammi"

Thus the game started, it was fun to watch, she sat on the rocking chair, by the time the game finished, she had dozed off.

The kids put a small shawl over her, and put her feet on a stool, now they were feeling guilty, being heavily pregnant, their mom helped them sort out interpersonal differences without making them feel guilty, they just loved her a lot.

Nabeel, Naveed and Nadeem took charge of the kitchen, meanwhile Nehal was cleaning the house and Quratulain was sitting beside their mom on the sofa.

A few hours later

When Naeem entered the house, it was eerily quiet, he started to panic, he just placed his stuff near the door, and took a cricket bat and entered the hall.

To his surprise, Nehal was cleaning the hall, he went to kitchen, his remaining 3 sons were busy cooking. None of them even spared a glance at him. He cleared his throat.

Naveed said," Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu Abbu, please freshen up, then come for lunch"

He was really surprised, no doubt his kids liked to cook, but all of them working together without banging even a single vessel, was very strange.

Nabeel said, "Bhaiyya if this is done, then i will set the table, then either of you can go and wake Mumma, okay na?"

Nadeem said, "okay will do, navs u got this right, I'll just go and have a quick shower"

"Sure nads, come soon, even I've gotta take shower"

Nadeem and Naveed were twins with only 2 minutes apart, Nadeem was eldest, they were 19, Nadeem was an engineering student, while Naveed was in architecture academy.

Nabeel and Nehal also were twins, and Nehal was the younger one with 5 minutes difference, they were 14. they wanted to be Dentists just like their parents.

Nads, Navs and their father had showered and freshened up, the table was set, their home was clean, it was time to wake their mom.

Nadeem went and crouched near his mom, and shook her gently,"Ma... please wake up, let's have lunch"

Nisma woke up from her slumber, she suddenly exclaimed, "I'm so hungry!!"

"We know jaan, the kids have made us lunch and even cleaned up the house, c'mon, get up, can you? or would you like to be carried?"

"Carry me"

Naeem carried her easily and place her inside on her chair at her dining table, and pecked her on her lips. They did display their affection in front of the kids, they wanted their kids to know that they love each other and it was Halal to do that, and they never let any moment go to express what they felt, even if it meant touching, caressing, hugging, kissing or even a champi(head massage).

It was a norm for their kids to see their parents so affectionate with each other. Alhamdulillah.

During the lunch Nisma asked, "by the way who won the game?"

"Everybody won Ma, it helped us realize the value of each other and how strong we were as a team, jazakAllah khair Ma."

"We are here to help you all, never forget that, We are your parents, but also you friends"

And thus lunch ended in happy conversation. 

So did their life continued....

Alhamdulillah, that was the epilogue, and thus ends the journey of Nisma and Naeem.

jazakAllah to each and every one for reading, voting and giving your comments, also thankful to the silent readers.

I have posted a completed short story titled, "Love You,Zindagi". Do check it out on my profile.

JazakAllah khair


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