Unique, Unconditional and Us

525 38 2

She was watching the disney movie Up, and getting very emotional. She paused the movie and called up Naeem.
She hadn't looked at the time. It was 1 a.m. He picked up the phone after 6th ring.
" Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu dear..."
"Walekumussalaam warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu, I just wanted to say that I love u a lot and i want to grow old with u and I appreciate three littlest things which u do for me, Alhamdulillah"
"Okay, Alhamdulillah, what were u doing?"
" Oh... Nothing much I was watching the movie Up, what about u?"
"Nothing dear,let's try to make our house fly with balloons, what do u say?"
" I'm not so keen about flying. I just want to be with u, when will u be back?"
"Soon my love,in shaa Allah, did u finish the movie?"
"Not yet, I'm feeling sleepy, talk to me while I sleep.."
And so he was speaking to her in soft hushed tones to make her sleep.
When soft snores were heard, he disconnected the call.
He was reminiscing the days when he met his beautiful wife, all those years spent with her.

He was reminiscing the days when he met his beautiful wife, all those years spent with her

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After masters theyhad practiced for a few years in India. Then when Nisma got a job in King Fahd Hospital at Madina al Munawwara. He left his job to be with her.
And he also got a job soon after. They had been living there for few months when they discovered that Nisma was expecting. They had a son, they had named him Mohammed Abdullah.
After a few years they had a Daughter, she was named Nasirah Naeem.
When his daadu was very ill, they shifted back to India, staying with their parents.Nisma didn't want a separate house,although he had objected but now he feels it was one of the best decisions.
Now Nisma was expecting twins and her mood level would change so rapidly. He was on a conference in Dubai. Now he didn't wantto stay any longer, he gave his assistant the details and took the next flight back home. Although he was super tired, he was excited to be back home.
He entered home at fajr. Meet his parents, greeted them. Then checked on his kids, prayed fajr and entered his room to see his lovely wife praying. He just sat behind her. After praying she raised her hands for dua. She was silently crying. Then she wiped her tears. He softly said Aameen.
She turned around and was pleasantly surprised.
"Assalamualaikum habibi"
She went in his open arms.
And hugged him tightly. No words were exchanged, but theyunderstood each other perfectly.

 No words were exchanged, but theyunderstood each other perfectly

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Such was their understanding towards each other.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.
I know the chapter is short. But this is the end to their story. Next up is the epilogue.
JazakAllah khair for being with this story.
Take care and be safe.

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